My Bershon

If you read Finslippy the other day, you giggled over her tribute to Sarah Brown and the concept of “Bershon.” Something I had not heard of, but definitely experienced tons in my lifetime. And something that has hit the Net to become the stuff of legends by way of an entry into the Urban Dictionary (a site I consult any time before I must converse with teenagers). This probably meme’d around the blogosphere ages ago and I am, like, so late – but, just like Alice, I immediately knew which photo I would show you all.

This one.

Guess which one is me.



Yes, that is a newspaper clipping from like 1988 and, yes, my bangs are freaking HUGE. And you may have noticed that my hair is so blonde that it is nearly white. (Um, so not my natural color, if you didn’t guess.) And aren’t I cool in my preppy-ized version of goth attire?

The girl with her arms folded is Toni, the one with the red shirt and her back to the camera is Wendy, and one wringing her hands like, “please, please, please, are we going to get into the under-age dance club?!” is Gwen.

P.T. Flagg’s was the thing to do when you were 18 and living in Maryland in 1988. Well, that and tease your bangs ’till they stood 4 feet off your forehead. (If I am not mistaken, the place has come full circle to a night club again in the form of the Power Plant… Baltimorons, help me out here). My favorite part is how I am sulkily waiting at the very front of the line.

Either way.

I. was. so. bershon.

Your turn.

(I don’t care if you already did. Do it again. New rule: any good meme can be re-meme’d. Pictures like this are too hysterical to pass up).

This article has 16 comments

  1. mamalicious

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  2. Tree

    That is so good, Aimee.

  3. mamalicious

    OH. MY. HEAD. I laughed so hard in the middle of class, I nearly peed my pants. That is the funniest picture of you I ever saw. I’m going to find a ton of me this weekend, rest assured. This is going to be FUN.

  4. aimee / greeblemonkey

    Thanks. 🙂

    I just realized I am not sure if bershon is a verb or a non so I may be using it incorrectly, which is even funnier. So I may be a subset: nerdbershon.

  5. Anonymous


  6. monstergirlee

    heh-heh you looked good as a blond.

  7. Anonymous

    That is sooooo VERY!

  8. Sarah


  9. Anonymous

    Aimee.. its Kimm..ophelia27.. Im so impressed by this picture of you.. I had no idea you were so new wave.. we looked similar as I had white blonde bangs too with a aqua net sprayed doo in 1988.. Its Great I love it. I will try to find my pic..Love You, Bry and little man.. Kimm

  10. Tanaya

    Bershon should be under every single driver’s license photo I have ever had.

  11. Esmerelda

    I was outside Power Plant Live just yesterday after my adventure to EA Poe. Port Discovery– a cool kid’s museum is right next door.

  12. g-man

    We were just discussing Hammerjacks and the whole power plant thing the other day at work. I wish I had the picture I took of the building under construction when the smoke stacks were exposed.

  13. aimee / greeblemonkey

    KIMM! I am so excited to see you!!! And you met me like 3 months after this pic was taken, so you should remember that hair!!

  14. Sharon

    I used to go to PT Flaggs too! Hysterical!

  15. aimee / greeblemonkey

    Sharon, what if we met then!?!?!?!

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