One more thing about Ann Coulter.

And then I will shut up. Because she really doesn’t deserve the attention.

A coworker’s first response this morning when he saw Ann’s video was, “Well, she’s just expressing her First Amendment right.”


Absolutely. Absolutely.


While I know it is Ann’s style to be controversial – and mind you, this is not the first time she has done this (she called Al Gore a “total fag” on Hardball in 2006) – when does speaking your mind cross over to vitriol?

I guess the crux of my issue with her is what exactly *is* Ann Coulter? A writer? A columnist? A political activist? I know she thinks of herself as a political leader.

She should start acting like one.

Leaders don’t call people ugly names and then shrug their shoulders and snort like Beavis & Butthead.

This article has 6 comments

  1. Anonymous

    I can’t believe people still take her seriously.

  2. r

    The thing about First Amendment rights is that hate speech is not covered.

  3. Bryan

    Fortunately, when people speak like this, they show how ignorant, arrogant (and all those other gants) they are.

    Hopefully, she will google her name as see this post. Getting pretty wrinkly there Ann. The mental effort it takes to think of such deep insults is really taking it’s toll.

    Maybe that is what she is doing, making a crappy comment just to see how much attention she gets. Lets foil her efforts and forever refer to her as skANNky Hole-ter.

  4. Bryan

    Damn. Just made myself look stupid. Again.

  5. Meghann

    “I guess the crux of my issue with her is what exactly *is* Ann Coulter? A writer? A columnist? A political activist?”

    Speaking as a *gasp!* Republican: Who is Ann Coulter? A chick with a big mouth. That’s who.

  6. Izzy

    She called Al Gore a “total fag”?

    Add “total homophobe” to her massive list of character flaws.

    And am I the only one that thinks she looks like a man?

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