Perfect Post and a Thank You

The wonderful Leticia was kind enough to bestow a July Perfect Post upon me for “Looking For Balance.” At first I wasn’t sure if I was even going to mention it, even though I was very honored – mainly because the real Perfect Post of the month was Punk Rock Mommy’s last post before she passed away from cancer. What a strong amazing woman. But the truth is, the fact that Leticia clued in that post, the one that continues to swirl around in my life right now, is so appropriate and so in tune with me, I can’t pass up talking about it again. Not to mention, my mom taught me to always say please and thank you.

So, thank you Leticia. Very much.

Because I continue to struggle to find balance.

I took this week off to cover a gap in care for Declan before school starts. Bryan is off rafting in some very deep water very far away in Western Colorado, so I won’t hear from him until he gets back in cell range late tomorrow night. Declan and I had all these activities planned for the week. Typical me – shoving all this STUFF into ALL AVAILABLE time, right?

I seriously have a problem with that, yo.

But then we both got sick. I was so sick yesterday that I couldn’t move. Like tornado alarms went off and I called my friend Sarah to see if I actually had to do anything. THAT’S how sick I was.

And while being sick is never fun, especially THAT sick… for two days, Declan and I have just HUNG. For long stretches yesterday, I just laid there on the bed and watched him while he drew picture after picture. Drew and drew and drew and drew. While I watched and watched and watched. And thought and thought and thought.

Today is already starting to pick up the pace. He is starting to bounce off the walls again. I am checking email.

But I remembered what it was like to just BE.

So, thank you to my cold as well.

This article has 13 comments

  1. Don Mills Diva

    Congratulations on the award – well deserved.

  2. Tech Savvy Mama

    You are welcome for the Perfect Post Award and it sounds like the time to be has been good, despite being sick. Hope you are feeling lots better!

  3. Becky

    That is so funny! I just had a very similar experience. Minus the sick part.

    Glad you are feeling better and congrats on the award.

  4. Megan

    I’m sorry you are sick, but glad you had a day of peace.

  5. monstergirlee

    Cngrats on your award, its very much deserved.
    Glad you got a chance to have some down time, thats a good thing. tho not the cold thing. sorry.

  6. Sue at eLuckypacket and nobaddays

    It’s amazing that that is what it takes (getting that sick) for us to unplug, huh? We had the same thing last week. I sometimes fantasize about pulling the plug on my blogs, email and the whole Interwebbynet … and just living my life. As much as the web gives me, I think I’d probably live a richer life if I painted and wrote and cooked and picked up the phone to call those I love.

  7. J at

    I remember kind of enjoying Maya being sick (sorry, Maya) when she was little…enjoying having her home and not being able to run around busy busy busy. Enjoying holding her and cuddling her, and seeing her conked out on the sofa. It’s nice to slow down once in awhile.

    Sometimes, my period does the same thing to me, if I get cramps and feel kind of gross. Slows me down. Makes me BE.

  8. 180/360

    I have to say that nearly every time my children or I have been sick, I’ve “seen the light.” It is sad that it takes poor health at times to appreciate the good, but I firmly believe that every little reminder is a hint to not take anything for granted.

  9. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Yeah, um, Amy – Declan and I have been eating cheese dogs for 3 days.

  10. Amy

    i am not a just “B”er either. And when I get sick, I literally cease to exist as I know. Heaven help me if Chris is ever away when that happens because: the boys? they will have to fend for themsselves.

  11. Ali

    that post was sooo deserving of this award 😉

  12. amy

    Congrats on the award–it really was a great post and a really good topic. And glad that you are not only feeling better but had a little silver lining in the feeling sick part. Why are we all always trying to do as much as possible?

  13. Richard Shaffer

    Wow – it’s so cool to slow down (sorry you felt bad of course)! Our 4th child (God willing) is due in September. KIDS = best thing that ever happened to me. What keeps me up at night though is the fear I will not connect closely enough with my kids — close enough so they always feel they can talk to me about anything at any time.

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