This Is Why I Love Declan’s School

They are teaching him to write letters. They are teaching him to use Excel. They are teaching him about business. They are teaching him about begging his parents for money. They are teaching him we are humans, not aliens. And they are teaching him how to run a bar.

Rockstar Bar

This article has 15 comments

  1. Everyfann

    That is SO AWESOME!!! What grade is he in again??

  2. Sue at nobaddays

    This is so wonderful on so many levels! I presume there are also short stories and poems and plays … and before long novellas … and before you know it, you’ll have a writer for a son (along with all the other wonderful things he’s becoming)! Dave showed Tau how to tally his birthday money vs. what he’d already spent of it in Excel the other day. Made my geek heart sing!

  3. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Sue, yes – they do Shakespeare every year! And lots of effort on poems and writing.

    And everyfann – he is in 4th!

  4. Suzanne

    I love your son! Sharing this one!

  5. Anonymous

    he kills me!!!!!!!!!!! – m

  6. Hannah

    ” I will make no customer get drunk”. I like that.

  7. Tricia

    This is fantastic!

  8. Nancy

    This is awesome. I would totally go to his bar.

  9. Kim Hosey

    Oh my gosh. Total win. I love this so much.

  10. mmpmom

    Loved his presentation. In a way it reminded me of that windows pc commercial where the kid lobbies for a dog (and then the dad lobbies for sunday golf).

    Great use of his skills and I loved his rationale. Bet the teacher loved the last line!

  11. Caleb

    Holy crap, this is awesome.

  12. Corinna

    This is absolutely HILARIOUS. And also proof that, excellent schools aside, you and Bryan WIN at parenting.

  13. Anonymous

    This is soooooooooooo funny! -m

  14. Anonymous

    DECLAN IS THE BEST !! but then, I’ve known that all his life. He is, and always will be, some kind of wonderful !!

  15. Magpie

    So awesome.

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