Cavetown - Denver Concert Photos

Cavetown and Tessa Violet at Fillmore Denver

Cavetown came back to America for their biggest tour in several years, and this UK indie-pop phemon’s show at the Fillmore was filled with a young, loving and inclusive kids from all over Denver. I often say these types of concerts are among my fave to cover, because watching kids see their absolute faves for the first time is a true joy.

Cavetown is known for vulnerable lyrics, which is why I think they connect. And while the performance itself was fairly low-key (and filled with more smoke that I have ever seen at a show), the fans more than made up for it by screaming every single lyric.

Opener Tessa Violet had her fair share of love from Denver too, including a marriage proposal – which she admitted was not the first of the tour. The pair together made for a lovely night of fun songs and fun people.

Cavetown continues shows in South America and Europe this summer, but hopefully it won’t be several years till they return to the U.S. again.

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Tessa Violet – Denver Concert Photos

Cavetown – Denver Concert Photos

See my other posts from Fillmore Auditorium!

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