
Denver Comic Con

Denver Comic Con 2017 Photos

Tons of Photos from Denver Comic Con 2017

Every year, when I attend Denver Comic Con, I try to lurk in the shadows. Mainly because I like catching people in candid moments rather than setting them up all posey-posey. Not that there is anything wrong with smiling straight into the camera for photos…
Denver Comic Con 2016 was a huge success. Check out all these fun photos from Denver's premier pop culture, cosplay, and comics event!

Denver Comic Con Photos

One thing I love about Denver Comic Con is how everyone shows up - every type of person - and everyone has fun. This year was no exception, with attendance rates approaching 115,000 at early estimates. Pop Culture Classroom, which puts on the event, is a…
Denver Comic Con 2014

Denver Comic Con 2014

Note: Denver Comic Con provided media passes but we purchased additional tickets for the kids. All photos and words are mine.So often I drag my son around to events and he has no idea what is going on. Denver Comic Con was the first event…
Denver Comic Con

A Real Superhero is Coming To Denver Comic Con

Note: Denver Comic Con has provided my family with passes and Grayson's photo but words are mine.
There has been a real shift in our family entertainment this year. It's not just us telling Dex about cool stuff coming to town, he is noticing it happening around him and requesting to go. Case in point is Denver Comic Con, which runs June 13-15 at the Denver Convention Center. Of course I have heard of it before. Let's face it, we're nerds (and proud of it). The timing just never worked out. But when your graphic-novel loving, Dr. Who-vian, Minecraft-obsessed kid asks about Comic Con, you put it on the calendar.