indie rock

The band Foals - Denver Concert Photos - Mission Ballroom

Foals at Mission Ballroom Denver

Foals is one of my favorite bands and they absolutely kill it live. I was thrilled when I heard they were coming to one of our premier venues, the Mission Ballroom. It's large enough to allow lots of people to attend, but small enough to…
Barns Courtney - Denver Concert Photos

Barns Courtney at Summit Denver

I have seen Barns Courtney play live several times and he never disappoints. This English singer/songwriter/musician spent his early years here in the States, which adds to his familiar-yet-exotic feel. Given the touring headaches everyone had the past few years, Barns is still out supporting…
Spacey Jane Concert Denver - Photos & Review Denver

Spacey Jane at Gothic Denver

Yup, Spacey Jane is another band who finally made it to the States this year – and Denver was ready for them! Their COVID-delayed show at the Gothic was jam-packed and Spacey Jane delivered an electric night full of indie rock. The Australian quartet (Caleb…
The band Dreamers - Denver Concert Photos

Dreamers at Summit Denver

I have seen the band Dreamers many times, and they never disappoint. Our indie station, Channel 93.3, has given the band lots of airplay here in Denver, so the crowd was pumped to see the guys again. The band is now essentially a duo made…
Franz Ferdinand - Denver Concert Photos - Ogden Theatre

Franz Ferdinand at Ogden Theatre Denver

One of the shows I was most looking forward to in 2022 was Franz Ferdinand at Denver's Ogden Theatre. I had never seen this Scottish indie rock band and they were touring to celebrate their greatest hits compilation Hits to the Head. Frontman Alex Kapranos…
N3PTUNE - Denver Concert Photos - Globe Hall

N3PTUNE & VYNYL at Globe Hall Denver

N3PTUNE has been quite the subject on my site recently. That's because I try and catch him whenever and wherever he is playing. It's hard to describe an N3PTUNE show, but trust me when I say you will be blown away. Part singer, part dancer,…