Brigitte Calls Me Baby Concert Photos & Review – Lost Lake Denver

Brigitte Calls Me Baby at Lost Lake Denver

Somehow the band Brigitte Calls Me Baby came across my suggestions maybe 6-9 months ago and I fell in love instantly. The throwback sound with lead singer Wes Leavins’ swoon-worthy voice makes for a wonderful show indeed. Lost Lake was wall-to-wall packed and it was clear I was not the only one who had discovered the band because a bunch of people in the audience know a bunch of the lyrics. While Brigitte Calls Me Baby has a retro sound that is somewhere between Roy Orbison and Morrissey, it’s still a modern show with lots of rock and roll antics.

If you have ever been to Lost Lake here in Denver, you know that it’s a fairly small club – but when it’s also a perfect one to see up and coming bands before they hit big. Such is the case for Brigitte Calls Me Baby, because the next time they play Denver will be at the Paramount this Fall, opening for Airborne Toxic Event. Yup, there is no way I will get to see them at such a small venue again. Hope you can catch ’em soon too.

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Brigitte Calls Me Baby – Denver Concert Photos

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