Helmet concert photos & review - Denver Gothic Theatre

Helmet & Cro-Mags at Gothic Theatre

Denver’s Gothic Theatre was the place to be as Helmet and Cro-Mags delivered an unforgettable night of high-octane rock and hardcore punk. For those of us who braved the mosh pit, it was a powerful reminder of why live music is an irreplaceable experience.

Helmet, formed in 1989 by frontman Page Hamilton, has been a staple in the alternative metal scene for decades. Known for their precise, heavy riffs and Hamilton’s distinctive vocals, they’ve influenced countless bands and garnered a dedicated fanbase. Their latest tour supports their recent album, LEFT, proving that even after all these years, Helmet is still a force to be reckoned with.

Cro-Mags is also a legendary name in the hardcore punk scene. Originating in the early 80s in New York City, their blend of punk aggression and metal intensity laid the groundwork for what would become known as crossover thrash. Led by the ever-charismatic Harley Flanagan, the Cro-Mags’ energy and raw power have not waned over the decades. Cro-Mags took the stage first, and they wasted no time diving into their ferocious set. Harley Flanagan’s presence was as commanding as ever, with his snarling vocals and thunderous basslines driving the band’s blistering sound.

After a short intermission, Helmet took the stage, and the atmosphere shifted from chaotic energy to focused intensity. Page Hamilton and his crew launched into “Wilma’s Rainbow,” and it was clear that we were in for a masterclass in alternative metal. Helmet’s set was a blend of old favorites and new material. Classics like “Unsung” and “In the Meantime” had the crowd singing along for the encore, while newer tracks like “NYC Tough Guy” showcased the band’s continued relevance and creativity. Hamilton’s guitar work was impeccable, and his vocals – equal parts melodic and menacing – held the audience enthralled. The band’s tight performance was underscored by their stage presence. They might not jump around like other punk bands, but Helmet’s power lies in their precision. Each song was delivered with a level of musicianship that left no doubt as to why they’ve remained influential for so long.

By the end of the night, ears were ringing, hearts were pounding, and smiles were plastered across faces. Helmet and Cro-Mags brought their A-game to the Gothic Theatre, delivering a night that fans will be talking about for a long time. Whether you were there to thrash in the pit or simply to soak in the sonic mastery, it was a concert that reminded us all of the unifying power of live music.

Cro-Mags – Denver Concert Photos

Helmet – Denver Concert Photos

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