Interview With Rumours Follow – Denver’s Answer to 80’s New Wave
One of my favorite things about photographing concerts in Denver is hanging out with our awesome Colorado bands. I have known the guys from Rumours Follow for a long time now, particularly because they formerly were part of a successful local band called Regret Night, but also because they are just fun guys. I got on the phone with Nick and Dennis this weekend to talk about their direction as a band, their height, and their single release show on Saturday at Lost Lake Lounge in Denver.

Adam Swanson, Nick Sanders and Dennis Hernandez of Rumours Follow
Rumours Follow Interview
For people who don’t know, tell me about your band.
We’re a new wave sounding trio from Denver, although we have been in the industry for quite a while. As you know, we used to be in a band called Regret Night, but the sound just wasn’t right for us. We felt like we had much more to offer, staying true to the kind of music we love. So, I guess you could say, we’re old and new. Ever-evolving.
Why are you all so tall? Is that a band requirement?
(Both laugh.) Absolutely. We’re proud to be the tallest band in Denver. It’s definitely a requirement – or the photos would be really off.
How was playing the big stage at Big Gig?
Yeah, we played the main stage at the last Big Gig held at Red Rocks, so that was really an honor. And that was about the time Regret Night was ending, so it was an awesome experience – but also the beginning of a new chapter.
How do you write songs?
Dennis: Adam usually starts things off on the keyboard and Nick will come in with lyrics.
Nick: Lyrics are really stream of consciousness for me. When I sit down and try to write, it usually ends up being about girls, which the rest of the band hounds me about. But honestly, if you look deeper, there is usually more to it there.
Favorite Denver bands?
We have a soft spot for AMZY – we feel very intertwined with them. We spent our first SXSW with them and think they are awesome. Also, Wildermiss is kick-ass and has just been killing it. We really miss The Epilogues … but it’s nice to see their drummer Jason playing with The Hollow now.
What national band would you like to tour with?
Do they have to be alive? (laughs) That is a hard question since we like all the old-school bands so much. INXS would be number one. Also … Tears for Fears. Depeche Mode. Hall & Oates. (Aimee note: clearly we have similar tastes.)
What instrument would you add to the band if you could?
That is also hard to say because I think if we wanted an additional instrument we would have done it. Like we just added sax. OK, wait … Maybe a bongo. That would be fun.
If you could be any Muppet…
Nick: Kermit.
Dennis: Gonzo. I’m a bit of an outcast.
What is your favorite emoji and why?
You are interviewing musicians – what do you expect? 🤘 🤘 🤘
If you could give Nerf a pet as a present for Father’s Day what would it be?
Chia Pet. 100% … No, wait … The Bob Ross Chia Pet!
Tell me about your upcoming concert at Lost Lake.
It’s going to be really fun, although no clue how a bunch of 6’4″dudes will fit on that stage. There are several other bands playing too: VYNYL, Foxfield Four and Benjamin Chartel. Benjamin just happened to be touring through and we were very lucky to add him to the show.
RUMOURS FOLLOW (Single Release)
Lost Lake Lounge, Denver
Saturday May 19, 2018
Doors: 8:00 PM, Show: 9:00 PM
18 and over
$10 – $12
Tickets Available Here