Pig Wars: Episode I

I was going to name this: “That Time My Kid Was Hilariously Awesome & Played With The Video Camera For Hours & After I Saw It, We Edited It Together & Laughed Really Hard, and Now You Get To See It Too…”

But sometimes simplicity is best.

This article has 8 comments

  1. zipper

    *I* thought it was funny. 🙂

  2. Megan

    He is soooo cute.

  3. Mixtape Jones

    It has that irresistible Dada element that was really missing from the original Star Wars trilogy.

  4. cholesterol reducing foods

    Adorable little green piggy!

  5. Anonymous

    sooo adorable. your kid rocks! – m

  6. Bryan

    I keep laughing, but not like Jabba. He laughs evil.

  7. chloebear

    you crack me up!

  8. kelly

    That was great!

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