
Rockin’ the Internet, Just Like Michael Jackson Did

I have two crazed displays of uber rock dorkfest for you today.

First, believe it or not, here is my husband starring in a parody of the brilliant Will It Blend marketing campaign to promote a health risk survey. Please view, laugh, taunt, and forward to 6 million people so we can make this thing as viral as humanly possible.

Next, I have something even scarier.



Luckily (for you) I talked the lovely Sizzle into singing with me. We both adore “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas” and decided we should pour our gooey Christmas love all over the Internets for Neil’s Holiday Blogger Concert. I even made an album cover for us.

Go over to Neil’s and check us out. We alternate lines in the song…
See if you can guess who is who.

And be kind about it. I seriously cannot believe I did this. Bryan, making a video, on YouTube, dressed up like a dorky engineer? That I can believe.

But… ME, singing, on the Internet? Hell has most certainly frozen over.

This article has 38 comments

  1. Sarah

    Both are equally awesome! And I can’t tell which is which on the song! You sound alike!

  2. Lisa

    You girls sounded so cute!! Happy Holidays!!!

  3. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    No one wants to guess who is who?? :))

  4. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    ha, the one with the biggest mouth???

  5. zipper

    Bryan makes a really good internet star. That was pretty damn funny.

  6. Sizzle

    wow! finally once when someone isn’t accusing ME of having the biggest mouth. ha! 😉 it was fun to do. someday if we meet we’ll have to a live duet since the phone quality really diminishes our voices. hee hee.

  7. Mayberry

    I agree, you really sound similar! Brave, ladies, very brave!

  8. Anonymous

    Both you and Bryan are nuts! 😉

  9. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    LOL… and by the way, Melissa is wrong on her guess. Sizzle is a bit louder in her singing. Because I was pooping my pants basically.

    so, to rephrase the question – who sings first and who is second?

  10. Lauren

    Bryan is HILARIOUS! And you and Sizzle are adorable.

  11. monstergirlee

    Well done! Congrats. Very cute both of you. Not sure which is which but I’ll guess you started it?

  12. Anonymous

    love love love it!!!

  13. soccer mom in denial

    I am still amazed you put yourself out there singing a really hard song accapella. I mean Jingle Bells would have been the safe choice.

    Brava ladies! BRAVA!!

  14. Melissa

    Um, you are the one that we can hear the most?

  15. momof3gr8kids

    How fun! Are you and Sizzle also the the leaders of the Sisterhood of the Cutest Ever Eyeglass Frames?

  16. Katja of

    Both: awesome! And you are the one who sung first 🙂

    Really brave and über cool I would say!

  17. zenrain

    yep, you’re first 🙂

  18. Bryan

    LOVED BOTH! Amazing! How can so much joy and talent be in one blog? Whoot Whoot!

  19. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    I can’t believe one of my oldest and BESTEST FRIENDS got it WRONG!!!

    Nope, I am SECOND! Sizzle is first (and better)!


  20. zenrain

    oh my god i can’t believe i got it wrong either!! though as i just told you, i was holding my ear close to the computer so i could hear it over hannah montana!!!!!!! let me listen again….

  21. zenrain

    ok, the first thing you sing is “let your heart be light”…right????!@!!!!

  22. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    LMAO, yes, and we alternate from there.

    Hopefully we were at least 1/2 as good as Hannah Montana.

  23. zenrain

    oh yes! you two could do your own version of “best of both worlds”, you could be secret singers, too 🙂

  24. Anonymous

    That was tres awesome! Happy holidays!

  25. villanovababy

    aimee! You guys were both wonderful… 🙂 And I just realized we do the same thing for a living and we both live in Denver. I was looking at your photos in your Etsy store and they are AWESOME. I aspire to take pictures that good… What setup do you use?

  26. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Erin, thanks much, and SMALL WORLD!

    I have 2 cameras now with various lenses, but mainly I have shot with a Canon Digital Rebel XT. I just recently acquired a Canon 40D but I am still trying to get the hang of it.

  27. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    And also, thanks to everyone else for your nice words and WRONG GUESSES. ha ha.

    But seriously, I appreciate you being so gentle with me. 😉

  28. creative-type dad

    That’s funny…!!

  29. Melissa

    Ha!!! So I am not the only one that got it wrong – Too funny!!! And I love the skit with Bryan. I have always wanted to do that with a blender…

  30. Jessie

    Now THAT is spreading some holiday cheer!

  31. carrie

    Wow, good for you! It was so nice hearing you — I *think* I figured it out!

  32. The Lisa Show

    Haha. AWESOME. Definitely two thumbs up. Happy happy holidays!

  33. Anonymous

    You guys rocked it.

  34. alejna

    Good for you!

    By the way, is your post title a reference to a Ben Folds song?

  35. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Alejna, you are the first to get it! 😉

  36. nutmeg

    Bryan, if you had taken the wrapper off the burger I’d have drank that smoothie.

    Aimee, you know what they say about day jobs!

  37. Anonymous

    those are both seriously fun. thanks for sharing.

  38. Catherine

    I’m late to this post, but I applaud you and Bryan both on jobs well done! Bravo!

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