

Tabacon Hot Springs

Costa Rica Hot Springs at Tabacon Resort

When I attended ROAR Retreat recently, I stayed an extra few days with my friend, client and co-organizer of the conference Andrea. I thought we were going actually work, but she had other plans. She insisted there is no way I could visit Costa Rica…
Costa Rican Flowers and Plants

The Flowers & Plants of Costa Rica

We have our first real touch of cold here in Colorado, which - let's face it, compared to other parts of the world, is not that cold... but when you have recently been to the rainforest, it sure feels cold. One of the things that…
Strange Alien Lizard Creature from Costa Rica

Jesus Christ Lizard (Green Basilisk) from Costa Rica

I have numerous photos of a wide variety of flowers from Costa Rica; the country is so incredibly diverse biologically speaking. We saw several interesting animals there, but none startled and amazed me as much as this bizarre alien looking lizard that darted out from…