
Strange Alien Lizard Creature from Costa Rica

Jesus Christ Lizard (Green Basilisk) from Costa Rica

I have numerous photos of a wide variety of flowers from Costa Rica; the country is so incredibly diverse biologically speaking. We saw several interesting animals there, but none startled and amazed me as much as this bizarre alien looking lizard that darted out from under the trees and out *on to* the water.

I have been doing a bunch of googling since our stay at Tabacon Hot Springs, but it took me a while to find this fella. Technically they are called the “Green Basilisk Lizard” – like, for real, as in referring to the legendary monsters, – yes, like the one they kill in Harry Potter. They are commonly referred to the “Jesus Christ Lizard,” because – yes, they *actually* can walk on water. Crazy!

Jesus Christ Lizard (Green Basilisk) from Costa Rica

Photo in header by Joseph C Boone via Wikimedia Commons.
Photo in post by me before I nearly dropped my camera.

This article has 5 comments

  1. Andrew

    No way. I can hardly believe that thing is real. Especially in your photo.

  2. Monika

    Took me a minute to spot him in your pic! So jealous of this Costa Rica vacation you took!

  3. Bristol Photography

    Can walk or swim? Whatever the photography is exceptional that is why one commented that it does not look real. Most of the lizard look disgusting but this one is different.

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