
veronica mars

Veronica Mars TV series

Veronica Mars Newbie

I'm thinking the years from 2002-2012 were a television wasteland for us because it was the first decade of our son's life and we were busy. It was also the years of Netflix DVDs rather than streaming and well before Hulu Plus. Recently, we have completely changed how we absorb entertainment, in that it is less movies and more TV - basically binging on those past episodes of shows that everyone talks about but we just never got to. My most recent gorging event was all three seasons of the cult-classic Veronica Mars. I had heard of the outrageously successful Kickstarter campaign to fund the movie, and I wanted to see what the hype was about before its premiere on March 14th. I got addicted, hard. Now I know why everyone liked it so much. Really, really, really, good writing. Real life (harsh) situations that kids deal with. Stuff that make me super scared as my son enters teendom - but still, yeah, I am not THAT old. I remember that stuff. Which makes it even scarier.