These are the kinds of emails I get from my husband.

No accompanying words, no explanation. Just the photo.

This article has 12 comments

  1. Shell

    I can see why you hired him ;)!

  2. Tree

    that’s the funniest darn thing


  3. aimee / greeblemonkey

    Teresa, it’s LQTM… laughing quietly to myself. LOL. Or is that some Oklahoma version I don’t understand!? 🙂

  4. aimee / greeblemonkey

    My fave!!… Leaches question massive divisions

  5. Anonymous

    you guys crack me up.

  6. angela

    OH MY GAWD! I love that! HI-larious.

  7. Bryan

    maybe she meant Little quickly molding donuts?

    Leaches question massive divisions?

    Life questions, magic discovers?

    lounge quail making drinks?

  8. Sarah

    Whatta nut.

  9. Laurie

    He is a nut.

  10. g-man

    Did Bryan make that or find it? Either way it is funny.

    Loud quick motioning demigod.

  11. aimee / greeblemonkey

    And, “Loud quick motioning demigod.” – ha ha ha!

  12. nutmeg

    My kind of man!

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