
Anyone like some holiday music? How about a Greeblecal?

I am such a sucker for holiday music. The sappier the better. But trust me, the CDs I make for the December Greeblemix Giveaway are filled with songs on the cool side of my collection.

AND!!! I will *ALSO* give the 3 Greeblemix winners one of my 2011 Photo Calendars too! (Psst, there only 19 left.)

How awesome is that???

Here’s how you enter:

1. Comment as often as you like, up until midnight THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2010.
2. No anonymous comments.
3. Winners from last month, please take a month off.
4. Then, FRIDAY MORNING, I will use to randomly select three winners. Three free mix CDs for three winners!
5. Winners must be willing to give me their snail mail to send the CD. If you don’t send me your address, I can’t send the CD. (And please be patient, I usually take *at least* a week or two!)
6. No need to have to have a blog to enter. We are equal opportunity around here.

Check out the types of Mix CD’s that previous winners have received.

What are you up to for the holidays?

If you are celebrating Hanukkah, how is your week going?

What is your favorite Christmas movie?

Mine is “Muppet Christmas Carol,” which I discovered last night that THREE good friends have NEVER SEEN. WHAAAAAAAT?????


P.S. Seriously. Watch this movie. Clearly I am a sucker for holiday movies too. And Muppets.

This article has 50 comments

  1. Magpie

    Hmm. I wonder if I can stream that on Netflix…

    How many versions of Silent Night do you have? I have more than 40…do you need a CD?

  2. JennyMoose

    The Heat Miser and Mr. Freeze Christmas songs are the best ever. No question.

  3. sue at nobaddays

    What are you up to for the holidays?
    Hanging out with my boys at home – eating and drinking good things!

    What is your favorite Christmas movie? “Merry Madagascar ( … Happy Julianuary!

  4. Annie

    Elf. I can watch that movie over and over and never tire of it.

  5. Shari

    Oh I would love me some Christmas songs!!

  6. Angela

    We’re having a pretty low-key Christmas.
    Favorite movie, by far is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. I’m a sucker for Hermie!

  7. 3jaysmom

    It just not Christmas without “A Christmas Story”!!
    Christmas has taken on a whole new meaning for me these days- now I have grandkids living 2 hours away and another kid not living at home- still working on forging new traditions and great memories!

  8. monstergirlee

    Yes please.
    I was just out running & listening to the last greeblemix won by me, and thinking – hey – whats up with Aimee, why hasn’t greeblemix happened yet?

    And here you are… sigh.

    I love pretty much every song in Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer.

    Silver and gold
    There’s always tomorrow
    I’m such a misfit

    Love ’em all.

  9. monstergirlee

    Favorite Christmas movie tho, thats a hard one.
    Grinch (Original with Boris Karloff narrating of course, LOVE)

  10. monstergirlee

    I’m sure there are other movies that I can’t think of.
    OH – DUH, how can I forget. Its A Wonderful LIfe. I cry every time I watch it.

    My parents are coming for a visit over Christmas which will be really nice.

  11. Tia

    Hopefully my mom will be flying in the 19th/20th & if so we will all (3 sisters & my 2 kids) be heading out to look at lights & go out to dinner.

    On Christmas I try to hide with just the kids. They let me sleep in while they open their stockings & then when I get up we open gifts & play games & watch Christmas movies all day. 🙂

  12. Tia

    I don’t think I could pick a favorite Christmas movie. We love to watch White Christmas as a family, sort of a tradition while wrapping gifts.

    I absolutely love Christmas Vacation though. Makes my family seem downright normal. 🙂

  13. Kellie

    I could never narrow it down to just one favorite! {Does not follow rules.} I love Family Man, The Family Stone, Bad Santa, and Elf. It’s just not Christmas without watching those!

  14. Jeremy

    What steals my holiday spirit? Hearing “Baby it’s cold outside” or any of the bad covers. Do your part to prevent this horror from being visited on other ears.

  15. Kelly

    Well, uh, YEAH. The Muppets are the best! 🙂 My fave tho has to be Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer. Rankin-Bass=Great.
    I “Yay’d” the wrong thing! Yay GreebleMIX! lol

  16. chloebear

    I guess Grayson and I will be watching that tonight!

  17. chloebear

    We will watch it again with Grandma

  18. chloebear

    I tried to get Grayson to watch The Year Without a Santa Claus and he did not like it?! Who doesn’t care for Heatmiser?

  19. nsanderson

    Christmas Vacation and The Ref are great for Christmas. I think I am already tired of all the Santa Clause movies as we have watched them a few times each already (thank you disney and abc family!)

    Busy, busy holidays and a lot of social gatherings for kids and adults alike. Steady diet of wine, baked goods, and pizza on nights that we are running around. Tis the season

  20. SP

    I have my boys for Christmas this year (every other year, they fly out to AZ for two weeks to spend the holidays with their Dad’s family) and I plan to smother them with love and kisses. At 13 and 15, I get endless amounts of amusement from embarassing my children. That’s their Christmas gift to me! Wheeeee!

    And my favoirte Christmas movie is and forever shall be: White Christmas. I totally have a crush on Bing. *swoon*

  21. chloebear

    I love Christmass music and my favorite song is Oh Holy Night

  22. Sizzle

    I might have to rent that. I don’t think I’ve seen it or at least not in a LONG time. Favorite holiday movie is Elf. Favorite holiday song is…Oh Holy Night. Sung right it gives me the shivers.

  23. Piage

    My favorite holiday movie is the old school Grinch who stole Christmas and Rudolph is always sweet too!

  24. Becky

    My favorite movie is Charlie Brown’s Christmas. Hands down.

  25. guarros

    Favorite movie, Christmas Movie -for sure. “You’ll shoot your eye out” on TBS all day / night long on Christmas Eve! I’m a mix CD fanatic. Holiday music to boot? This is amazing.

  26. monstergirlee

    I love pretty much all Christmas music, except countryfied versions of hymns, yuk.
    I have to agree with Sizzle tho, O Holy Night done right makes me cry.
    Right now I have playing on the All Christmas channel all the time. It’s wonderful.

  27. monstergirlee

    Guess I have to rent Elf. And Muppet Christmas because well, I don’t think my family has enough Muppets in our lives.

  28. chloebear

    Do you have a copy of the Muppet we could borrow?

  29. chloebear

    Everyone needs more Christmas music in their lives!

  30. chloebear

    Where is the snow? It’s not the holiday’s without snow!

  31. monstergirlee

    Ok, another of my faves is Handel’s Messiah. I sang that one year for Christmas Vigil mass, with my Mom in the choir too. I could hardly sing because I started crying it was so beautiful and joyous. I cry at music. A lot. I’m such a dork.
    But here’s another entry.

  32. monstergirlee

    I wonder if i could get Muppet Christmas on my iPod and watch it with the kids. That might be fun.

  33. monstergirlee


    How did I miss this? A Greeblecal too? I’M IN.

  34. robin

    Just staying home for the holidays. My niece and nephew will come stay with us for a week, then my sis will join them on xmas eve. We have been trying to make the holidays about the time of year, not just the countdown to christmas day. Working so far 🙂

    My favorite christmas movie…Of course, I love A Christmas Story. But I think my favorite is Miracle on 34th st, the original version.

    Merry Christmas!

  35. chloebear

    My absolute favorite movie is a Christmas Story! I look forward to it every year.

  36. monstergirlee

    Gees, whats with the spammy comments? Thats annoying.

    So last night, I heard a version of Ave Maria that brought tears to my eyes. Its not necessarily a Christmas song, but it fits in there too.

  37. Meredith

    Favorite Christmas movie is a tie between White Christmas (absolute classic, how can you say no to Bing Crosby) and Christmas Vacation (gets the family to giggle).

    This year, we’re starting a new tradition… watch Christmas Vacation on Christmas Eve and then on Christmas Day surprise our family with the exact moose mugs that they drink eggnog out of, and enjoy our own eggnog/moose experience! Cheers.

  38. Ray Page

    I’m heading to DENVER (wink wink) on xmas day to visit fam! Looking forward to it. And my favorite xmas movie, hands down, is A Christmas Story. “you’ll shoot your eye out kid”.

  39. Fruitlady

    Elf is my favorite Xmas movie. “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!”

  40. Fruitlady

    But I’ll definitely check out The Muppets Christmas. Thanks for the heads up.

  41. Fruitlady

    I like Chloebear’s tactic of leaving multiple comments.

  42. Fruitlady

    I love Christmas music. Let It Snow is a seasonal favorite. As is Santa Baby. Jingle Bells in the round perhaps. Hmm. I may need to harass my neighbors with caroling tonight. Okay, I’ll shut up now.

  43. monstergirlee

    Yup, here I am again. Hoping to win some Christmas greeblemix.
    The best Christmas concert I ever went to was the Brian Setzer Orchestra Holiday COncert.
    AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL. Sorry ’bout the caps. I’d love to go again some time.

  44. Raquel

    Seeing as I’m the only one in my family not living in Texas I will be making multiple trips home in the next couple of weeks. I’m excited to go home and see everyone (minus the actual traveling part). My mom and I bake up a storm and I can’t wait to try some new goodies!!

    I have three all-time favorite Christmas movies (in no particular order) 1) Elf 2) A Christmas Story (my brother and I watch it ALL day) 3) Christmas Vacation

  45. Acethehappywife

    I was playing Christmas music tonight and singing very loud. Oliver was shaking his hand in front of my face saying “no no!”
    At bedtime, I explained to Owen what a vasectomy was. He asked some great questions for a 5 year old. I had to cut him off for another time….. Let’s just say, Joe not thrilled with the chance he might ask his kindergarten teacher what sperm is…… Snip snip!!!

  46. Laurie

    I’m home for the holidays (haha) I just taught my last class of the semester. (Hallelujah chorus!) I’m throwing the BlogHer DC holiday meetup/book drive thingy tonight. Hmmm…and after that I’m just going to settle in for some wassailing, i.e., eating and drinking my way through Christmas and my (GAH) 40th birthday on the 27th. Thanks for asking! 😉

  47. salamandermuse

    “HEAT WAVE..This is the island in the sun, hoy hoy!” LOVE that movie. I plan on having my 9 year old watch it this year. I think she is finally old enough to fully appreciate all that is Muppets!

  48. Tastecraft

    fave family xmas movie: tie between Muppet Xmas Carol & Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Xmas. (Jim Henson FTW!) fave adult xmas movie: Love Actually. Would love a greeblemix. And saw a pic of you from Ignite last night…You rocked the tie and looked great!

  49. Tia

    Doh! The Family Stone. How could I have forgotten about the Family Stone? Sheesh. We LOVE that one.

  50. Tia

    My fave Christmas song is God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, especially the version by Dave Matthews. That one is gorgeous.

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