
Metric band - Denver Concert photos and review

Metric at Fillmore Denver

This year was full of bands who I have wanted to see live for a long time. Metric is no exception and they sounded incredible at Fillmore Denver to a packed crowd. I wish I could say the show looked great too, but as you can see form the photos below – it was incredibly dark. What is the deal with this trend? It’s almost worse than red lights. Frankly, several people in the crowd told me they were bummed to pay for tickets and just see shadows on stage.

Nonetheless, Metric are a very tight band musically and showed off their skills here in Denver. Singer Emily Haines was energetic and get everyone in the mood for their brand of indie pop. Metric was supporting their 2022 album, Formentera, and takes the tour to Europe next year.

Metric – Denver Concert Photos

Photos displayed in random order. Click any thumbnail for a larger version. Then use the navigation arrows (or your keyboard arrow keys) to move left and right through the photographs.

See other posts from the Fillmore!

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