Cart makes organizing school activities and events a snap including class parties, snack schedules, parent teacher conferences!

Back To School Means Back To Our Front Porch

My son turned 14 today. And he started 9th grade a few weeks ago. He is always the youngest in his class, but has always been ready for school.

For the first day, we have do a photo on the front steps of our house. Although, as I went back through the years, not only did I get sentimental looking at how teensy he was compared to the young man who is now almost as tall as me – I realized that we didn’t do his first day of school photos on the stairs every single year like I always thought we did. Funny how your mind plays tricks on you.

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Which is one of the reasons I am “donating” a post on my kid’s birthday for one of my favorite free services, (formerly VolunteerSpot). I have worked with these guys as a designer, and used their site both as an organizer and a volunteer and I love how they help me stay on track.

We usually have a wild mix of full-throttle summer – mostly concerts and summer festivals. Denver used to have one or two, but now there is a major event every few weeks and I can’t seem to know if I am coming or going.

What Does Back To School Mean For Us?

For Dex, it’s a bit different, in that summer is so mellow that he longs for the routine and stimulation back at school. It’s almost like he “wakes up” from a fog and reengages with life. Sure, Minecraft is fun and all… but there are so many aspects of school that click for my kid. Come June, he needs a break but come September, he’s ready to go.

As for me, this time of year signals a slow-down. Less running around, more calm. Sure, photographing all those concerts is fun and all… I continue doing it all year round – but the onslaught is not as massive. And I am beholden to my son’s school schedule, which keeps me in line too.

So, sitting on the front steps is good for both of us. He pushes off to school, kicks it in gear, while I pop a squat for a few minutes.

Oh wait.

Until.. the holidays?

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