
They Dedicated A Piano To Us.

I still can't believe it.Our annual rock concert school fundraiser, Tellerpalooza, was on May 11th and it was incredible. We raised $18,000 for Dex's school in one night - with the help of amazing performers like Gregg Tobo, John Common, Fierce Bad Rabbit, Rachel and…

Eldren at Tellerpalooza in Denver

I often talk about my big fundraiser for Dex's school, Tellerpalooza. Since he is graduating from 5th grade, this was our last year organizing it - so everything was very bittersweet on May 11th.When I watched Eldren pull the kids and other bands on stage…

Secret Bunny Ops

Now that Dex is a bit older, holidays are changing for us. We did give him an Easter present, and we made a game of it so it was fun, but the Easter Bunny has become a thing of the past.Or has it?Dex himself had…

Spring Break Flip Flops

For whatever reason, we didn't put Dex into camp for Spring Break this year and decided to just wing it. I mean, we have this new, wild and crazy lifestyle of working from home, right? We can make this work, right?Enter friends of his, and…

Safety First

We're at this weird age with Dex that he is old enough to stretch his wings a bit, but he's still pretty vulnerable. Mostly because, even though we live in an urban part of Denver, his life has been fairly sheltered and protected. Although, given…

Ice Skating in Denver

We have a few outdoor ice skating rinks here in town, but lest we forget that I actually have a Twitter list called "The People To Call From The ER," I only go and photograph - not skate.Our family away from family (Danielle and her…