Spring Break Flip Flops
For whatever reason, we didn’t put Dex into camp for Spring Break this year and decided to just wing it. I mean, we have this new, wild and crazy lifestyle of working from home, right? We can make this work, right?
Enter friends of his, and friends of ours.
We’re halfway through and we’ve managed to pack the week full of fun – by trading around. Dex is 10.5 now, and when he and his friends play, they are a self-contained unit. You just throw food and water in every once and a while, as opposed to the younger years when parents have to be present for every struggle over every toy.
I know in another year or two, we’ll have to intervene in another way – because the kids will be into other things, more grown-up things. But here and now, we have those kids themselves to thank for how school breaks go, and their parents.
Us parents almost have this mystical shorthand with each other by the end of elementary school, right?
You or me?
Morning, afternoon, all day?
Drop at 1.
(Synopsis of one word replies that charted out my kid’s entire Spring Break.)
So, not only does Dex have a rhythm with his friends, we have a rhythm with their parents. We know who has to work when, who is covering for who, and it doesn’t feel like we are just shuffling them around – because the kids are having a blast while doing it.
It really does take a village.
photo by erules123
Glad he is having fun. 🙂
love the parental short-code conversations. Works with husbands too!
Looks like you have to enjoy while he is still at that age. A few years from now, he’ll be in his teen years and that’s not usually easy to handle.
AKAIK yovu’e got the answer in one!