
There’s A Monster At The Breakfast Table

I tried to stay true to Declan's artistic vision, but I really could not bring myself to spell it "breckfast."Also hoping he did not plagiarize this, like he did the last time I posted his homework.Either way, this poem is pretty sweet.Click here to see…

The Middle School Conundrum

Tonight, we attend our first open house for Middle School.Middle School. The years where children become tweens and start growing hair in weird places.Long ago, when Declan started Kindergarten, we hemmed and hawed over that decision. Declan made the cut off for his school year…

I Told Him

I love my kid. He is a great kid. He is mature, well-behaved, thoughtful.But sometimes, he is so clueless about how good he has it, and how easy his life is.I try really hard not to pull the "my life was so much harder than…

This Is It.

Fifth Grade. His last year in elementary school. In of itself pretty crazy, and as the saying goes: time flies.But, as I was telling a friend the other night while we were having a joint birthday party for my husband (August) and son (September), I…

Parenting With The Brady Bunch

It started on Skype. I was talking (typing) to my friend Laurie a few months ago, and her twin daughters are within a few weeks of Declan in age."The girls are obsessed with The Brady Bunch."Really?I have to admit, my maiden name was "Bunch" and…

Late Bloomer

Some things, Dex did early.Some things - they are coming way late. Like riding his bike.My boy turns 10 next month and he just really got the hang of that two-wheeled contraption about a month ago.There are lots of reasons for it. We live in…
T-Mobile Denver

Cell Phone Safety with T-Mobile in Denver

My son is getting to "that age." I have been dreading it - but we have been having "the talk." Should he get a cell phone? Some of his friends have one, but I pretty much had it my head: NOT UNTIL MIDDLE SCHOOL. We…