This Is It.

Dex1stDayFifth Grade. His last year in elementary school. In of itself pretty crazy, and as the saying goes: time flies.

But, as I was telling a friend the other night while we were having a joint birthday party for my husband (August) and son (September), I feel like Declan has been in a bubble throughout elementary school. We watched all the kids run around the yard and thought back to how most of them met in Kindergarten, or even pre-school. How they have formed this protective shield over the years.

Dex’s class was the first of another kind of bubble in the school – signifying our growth – where every year they have needed a third teacher to keep the classes around 20-22 kids in size.

Roughly 75 kids in his class and I can only think of a few kids over the years that have been serious “troublemakers” and most of those kids had been going through major problems at home, which the school was playing a major role in assisting the child.

Of those 75 kids, about 25 are in Declan’s extended circle of friends – kids I know by name and know their parents.

What I love about the children at Declan’s school is this: they love being different. They don’t care if other kids are different. They protect each others’ differences.

I was on a field trip last year and one girl, one of the “troublemakers,” was having major issues coming down the stairs of the capital. She started crying that she was afraid of heights, loudly, and sat down on the stairs, trembling like a leaf. A few kids started rolling their eyes and snapping at her as I pushed my way from the back to help. Then I heard a very distinct voice.

“Stop it. Everyone has their issues. It’s OK to be scared of heights!”

It was a boy who I know had problems with the girl in question, but he took her hand and lead her down the stairs before I could get there.

That’s what these kids are about about. There is something special about this combination, and many more people than me have noticed it.

Declan was very nervous last night; I think he finally gets it that this will be his very last year at this school. I have been thinking about this all summer. How this group will be scattered to the wind next year, seeing as Denver has so many choices for middle school. How hard middle school will be for all of them without their protective coating of friendship with each other.

But, as we explained to Declan, we have a whole year to enjoy it. All these lovely people and the bubble of fantastic children.

Here we go.


This article has 10 comments

  1. Sue at nobaddays

    What a treasure, Aimee!

  2. zipper

    What a cool elementary school experience.

  3. tracy @mamacreates

    I love this story. In fact, I love all of your stories.

    They frequently give me the happy-goosebumps 🙂


  4. monstergirlee

    I kind of feel the same way. My boy has such a great group of friends, and my girl too. Drop off and pick up time has become very social. I just don’t see that happening at the middle school level. The one closest to our neighborhood has somewhat of a bad reputation, but is getting better.

    So glad you guys got a good one, and I hope the next school is even more fun.

  5. zenrain

    Awww…E started middle school this year, It’s still hard to believe! Luckily she only has 17 kids in her class… I love our little school! I know you will miss his school next year, and I hope you find another school you love.

  6. Anonymous

    Happy first day of 5th grade, Declan! – m

  7. Keely Emery

    Well, this was lovely. Today was Zoe’s first day of Kindergarten. I hope she is surrounded by good friends for the next six years the way Declan has been. 🙂

  8. L. McG.-E.

    What a wonderful attitude to have. These kids will do well as they grow if they are already showing such a caring and understanding attitude. I hope your son enjoys his year.

  9. Aimee Giese

    Awww thank you all!!!

  10. Vicki

    I learn so much about motherhood from you. My guy is only 8, so I feel like I can picture him in these situations. Thank you for sharing.

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