
Child Chore Chart – With Fanciness

Remember how Declan was going to do all these arts and crafts this week? Well, yeah, that, but he also needs to help me around the house. Not only does it build character – but my house is pretty much a hellhole, people.

But, I have learned that my child also needs specific instructions – something that is hard to do while you are hard at work on deadlines before the 4th of July holiday.

So, we came up with the chore board – and – oh my word – I think we hit the gold mine.

He and I listed out the things he had to work on today, and decided how long he had to complete each task. Declan needed the time limit – otherwise taking out the trash turns into a 20 minute affair. So, we mutually agreed upon time slots and he also got to choose what order he did the tasks in.

My kitchen counter has never been so clean.

This article has 5 comments

  1. Vicki

    I love this simple idea. Nothing complicated but gives kids a good visual.

  2. monstergirlee

    I too, have found that making specific instructions for larger tasks is infinitely worth it. For Sullivan cleaning his room, I make a list of each piece and it helps so much.
    But this is even better. A daily chore list for both kids is on the horizon. I promise I won’t tell them I got the idea from you.
    And a time limit? GENIUS!

  3. Megan

    Perfect! And what great handwriting you have.

  4. Mama Kat

    Beautiful. I’m going to do this with my kids today. I love how very UNcomplicated it is!

  5. Tree

    Brilliant! I love it. I often tell J to pick up her Barbie area / room (yes, it is nearly an entire room) for just 5 min. It is astonishing how much is accomplished in five focused minutes.

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