
Do You Eat Adventurously?

All my life, I have been fairly all about the meat and potatoes. There is too much German in me, I think. People tease me that I think ketchup is spicy. I need a shot of something alcoholic before I’m willing to have a bite of something crazy.

But lately I have been branching out.

When I was at Mom 2.0, my friend Karen gathered some social media friends at a favored New Orleans-style restaurant. Danielle and I sat down at the end of the table being very proud of the weird drink concoction we had ordered. Until the alligator showed up.

Then we goaded each other for about 15 minutes until we both gulped a bite and chewed. And chewed and chewed.

Turns out alligator meat is … chewy.

But not bad, once you get past the idea that you are eating alligator.

Because that is what the issue is for me – the mental. Why is it easier for me to eat a chicken? Which, when you really think about it, is damn gross too. And trust me, I am not going on a vegetarian rant here. I get vegetarianism and all the reasons, but that is not what I am talking about.

WHY is eating one animal more revolting than another to a “meat and potatoes” type person like myself? Social conditioning? Cultural norms?

Last night, we went with friends to The Fort restaurant in Denver – which is famed for it’s eclectic menu. Bison, elk, quail, wild boar, Rocky Mountain Oysters… rattlesnake.

Most of which I could not talk my stomach into trying. Especially the Rocky Mountain Oysters. I promise you, right here and now, I will *never* try Rocky Mountain Oysters.

The table ordered rattlesnake sausages, and after my 8 year old son tried them, I took a deep breath, a sip of my Huckleberry (spiked) lemonade, and dug in.

It wasn’t bad. I had to clear my mind and not think about what I was doing and concentrate on the favor. And not the on fact that I was eating RATTLESNAKE.

Alllllllllllllllllllll mental.

What foods have you talked your stomach into trying?

This article has 11 comments

  1. Ali

    You lost me at alligator meat. OMG

  2. Kyria

    I’ve tried rattle snake. It tastes like chicken.

    Alligator tastes like rubbery chicken.

    Guinea pig? Greasy chicken…

  3. Rachel

    The Fort is good for exploring, ahem, unique food options, as is the Buckhorn Exchange. Between those two, I think I’ve tried just about everything you mentioned and only disliked the rattlesnake. Alligator was better at Bayou Bob’s in downtown Denver than The Fort or Buckhorn, though.

    Rocky Mountain Oysters, though? never.

    (Other stuff that makes some squirm – escargot, unagi, kangaroo.. all stuff that’s tasty.)


    Up until about 7 years ago I was meat and potatoes. Then , I don;t know something made me switch to a somewhat adventurous eater.

    When I travel or go out to eat at any restaurant I always ask the server what the place is Known for? I then tell the server to either surprise me or to give me the local favortie. I have had Bison, Gator, Conch, various seafood and vegetables I would never have tried. Jambalayas, jerked foods, fritter and what not that on a menu does not look appealing but when it is seved all delicious.

  5. Issas Crazy World

    I have always wanted to go there…although I’m not sure I’d like anything. I am picky with certain things, but I’ll try anything once.

  6. MPPs Mom

    born and raised east coaster here….i have never heard of rocky mountain oysters until now and oh em gee, I had no idea…..eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww!

  7. Nancy

    For the record, the gator meat probably wouldn’t have been so rubbery if you’d eaten it right when it was served. It’s like escargot. You need to eat them right away or you’re chewing forever. I’ve pretty much tried everything, but the way to guarantee it won’t touch my lips? Put Miracle Whip on it.

  8. MargieK

    I’ll try just about anything. I LOVE trying new restaurants and new foods.

    I’ve had rattlesnake, alligator, Rocky Mountain Oysters, elk, deer, numerous birds.

    Conch is delicious! I’d eat it every day if it were available. Maybe it helps that I grew up in Maine, and had access to seafood like mussells, oysters, shrimp, lobsters, crab, etc.

    I haven’t had roadkill — but I *might* try it, if I knew that it hadn’t sat around and was properly taken care of (refrigerated, etc.).

    There are lots of things I haven’t tried, but only a few that I know people DO eat that I’d never consider — things like cat, dog, monkey. And I’m sure there are a few more that — if I knew how they were prepared — I might avoid. Some of the things I’ve seen on Survivor or that old reality show Joe Rogan hosted (what was that called?).

    But for the most part, I’ll try anything (at least) once!

  9. Connie Weiss

    I love being adventurous!!

    I grew up eating Rocky Mountain Oysters! I posted about them this week and everyone thought I was talking about seafood.

    Love The Fort. Keith and I went there for our first birthdays together and have a picture wearing silly animal skin hats.

    Have you ever had quail egg on sushi? It’s awesome!

  10. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    You all are killing me- and my stomach! LOL. But glad we have brave eaters out there.

  11. J at

    I can’t eat anything I would keep as a pet. No dog, no horse, no cat. Other than that, I’m pretty open.

    Having said that, I haven’t had an opportunity to try rattlesnake, alligator, etc.

    I enjoy escargot, but not straight. I’ve had it in ravioli, and stuffed in a mushroom cap, and it was lovely. I’ve had moose and caribou. Both gamey but fine.

    I don’t think I could eat kangaroo, but then again, never had the chance, so who knows.

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