
Five Favorite Pinterest Pins

Oh, Pinterest – I cannot quit you. Ever.

Here are some recent things that I have pinned and want to pin and pin and pin – till the end of time, amen.


Apparently I *really* want to go to Greece. I keep pinning pictures from there. Like, A LOT.

Seriously. Truth, right?

I can’t tell you how badly my kid wants these. It may just have to be what the Easter Bunny brings.

My birthday is next week. Hint hint, Bugfrog.

Cucumbers and avocado together in a chilled soup? YES, PLEASE.

Friends, please try Pinterest if you have not.

Friends on Pinterest, what have been your favorite pin(s) of late?

This article has 10 comments

  1. Pam


  2. Sue at nobaddays

    LOVE the ketchup and mustard bottle tops. LOVE! I’ve been using Wists for a while (as opposed to Pinterest) … will check it out and see if it’s worth switching.

  3. Sue at nobaddays

    Oh drat! It is cooler. Imma gonna have to switch …

  4. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Sue – welcome to the dark side.

  5. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    It’s really interesting how it shows you a trend in your thinking!!!

  6. Jenny @ Crash Test Mommy

    I always love your pins, Aimee. We must have very similar taste!

    Greece is the word.

  7. Connie

    Apparently…..I really want a new purse because i’ve pinned a couple of them this week.

  8. Rachael

    Oh God, I am TOTALLY addicted to pinterest. It’s so much fun. There is just something about a page full of things I love that is so awesome.

  9. MPPs Mom

    I have yet to figure this out…..but you make it look fun!

  10. Yanislav Iliev

    I love my pins, too. Very good article. Thanks for sharing:))

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