
Happy Birthday, Darling Boy

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My aunt and I were marveling over the fact that Declan turned eight today. My aunt who lives in Maryland while we live in Colorado. My aunt who works so hard to maintain a closeness with us that is felt with every phone call, every email, every note.

She said, “Remember that trip we made right after Declan was born? That first Thanksgiving he was with us? He and I had a moment, alone, during that trip. I snuggled him close and I whispered to him about how someday we would have long conversations on the phone about everything and about nothing. That we would just chat the day away.”

Then she told me about how they had that call yesterday. The day before his 8th birthday.

This article has 20 comments

  1. everyfann

    awwww. that is the sweetest thing ever!

  2. Jennifer Newell

    Awwww <3 I love your kid! Happy Birthday Declan!

  3. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Jen – we miss you!

    And Melissa – I DID CRY. LOL. xo 😉

  4. monstergirlee

    Happy Birthday Declan! Eight years. Wow. I remember how scary it was reading about his birth. And now its EIGHT YEARS LATER. OMFG.

    Happy Birthday Dex! So cool that he can be so close to family on the other side of the country.

  5. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    monstergirlee- I *almost* wrote a post about how, at dinner tonight – we talked about Declan’s birth – cause we realized it was right on top of his actual birth time – and I think he was ready to hear all the gory details finally! Like ALL the details, LOL.

  6. Anonymous

    oh man. I am crying too. – m

  7. Melissa

    I had to stop myself for a moment at the end because you almost made me cry. I love my neices and nephews like nothing else. What a precious, sweet memory. Happy Birthday, Declan!

  8. Kim Hosey

    Awesome. It’s scary, them getting older, but it’s pretty great too. Happy birthday to your amazing boy.


    Happy B day and congratulations to the parents.

    My father used to call me on my oldest’s b-day and wish me a happy a fathers day, becasue that was the day I became a father. I would like to wish you a happy mothers day.

  10. Erika

    Happy Birthday!

  11. Boston Mamas

    Amazing photos! Happy birthday Declan!

  12. Sizzle

    That is so sweet that your aunt works so hard to keep you guys close. Happy Birthday to D!

  13. tenax_technologies

    Happy birthday!

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  14. sue at

    He is so wonderful, Aimee! Happy birthday Dex.

  15. mayberry

    He is so cool (and so is she). Happy birthday + 1 day, Declan!

  16. Kim - Mommycosm

    Awww – Happy Birthday 🙂

    My daughter is just a week older. I do love conversations with an 8 year old. They’re pretty cool.

  17. Kimm

    Declan, Happy Birthday Sweetee. Amazing pics of him Aim.. he is such a beautiful young man.

  18. Tree

    I have tears in my eyes. I heart AH and Declan. Both so special

  19. gonzomama

    oh, that got me teary-eyed. 8 is big! hope you both enjoyed a great birthday.
    (love that series of pictures).

  20. The Picture Nazi

    That really is the sweetest thing. Happy Birthday, Declan! (cool name by the way)

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