
January Greeblemix Contest: Music *and* Calendars, yos.

Whoah. It’s like *REALLY* 2010. I’m still trying to get my head around that.

And it’s really already time for Greeblemix. Is this what 2010 is going to be all about? Time flying like crazy and me trying to keep up? Because if so, I’ll take 2009 back, thank you very much. Oh yeah. 2009 was pretty much all like that too.

Anyway. Hope you all had a great New Years and welcome back to your lives. To celebrate, I am giving away my normal 3 music mix CD’s – but along with those 3 music mix CD’s, our 3 winners will ALSO get my final 3 2010 nature calendars. So, 2010 is kind of awesome already, right?

1. Comment as often as you like, up until midnight Tuesday, January 5, 2010.
2. The more comments you make, the more chances you have to win.
3. No anonymous comments. Please make sure your email address is easily accessible through your entry!
4. Winners from last month, please take a month off.
5. Wednesday morning, I will use to randomly select three winners. Three free mix CDs, three winners! (…and 3 free calendars!)
6. Winners must be willing to give me their snail mail to send the CD and calendar.
7. No need to have to have a blog to enter. We are equal opportunity around here.

What did you do to celebrate (or not) on New Year’s Eve?

This article has 49 comments

  1. chloebear

    i had a great time with my BFF! and I’m #1 for the first time

  2. monstergirlee

    eeWent to a Family Friendly NYE celebration at friends house. This is the third year in a row and once again it was great! Lots of kids running around keeping each other awake as Midnight rolled around, and we pulled poppers and screamed and drummed on a big metal table and just in general, made lots of noise with lots of friends. A great evening.

  3. Sue at nobaddays

    Ugh! Sick in bed while visiting family up in Canada! I’ve had better new year’s celebrations – GRIN!

  4. Erin

    Had friends over and actually made it to 12am, but just barely. beautiful photos in the calendar.

  5. The Bug

    Usually I can’t make it till midnight, but this year I stayed up until ONE AM watching Burn Notice reruns. How’s that for exciting? My hubby slept through it all – even the neighbor’s bottle rockets…

  6. SHensley

    Let my boyfriend spoil me with a trip to Cabo. Randomly grouped with some awesome, fun people at our hotel’s bash (who liked to partake in group drinks) and spent the first day of the year recovering. :-/

  7. Tree

    We watched Mamma Mia, then were in bed by 10 p.m.

  8. tarable

    The husband and I had a great time in Steamboat for NYE. We were in bed by ten and up for the first lift on the first day of 2010.

    Then? If that wasn’t enough, we took a dip in Strawberry hot springs and woke up to a powder day on Saturday.

    Awesome way to start the new year!

  9. karichuckroryskylar

    Antibalas concert @ the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn. Hot, Hot, Hot!

  10. monstergirlee

    There were wonderfully handcrafted cocktails for the the adults, ice cream punch for the kids, yummy treats. It was great! They really know how to throw a party, for everyone!

  11. michelleamallory

    Love the Greeblemix! Hope you had a Happy New Year! Would love to look at your photography all year long! Fingers crossed! xxxxx

  12. michelleamallory

    oops…forgot to follow the rules…We stayed home, and our 5-year old forced us to stay awake until Midnight..he was so proud of himself, we were exhausted! We are such party animals up in here! 🙂

  13. monstergirlee

    Could it be any drearier outside than right now? Nope, not at all.
    At least it wasn’t raining for NYE. We even got to see the Blue Mood. Tho explaining why we called it Blue, even tho it was white was a tad difficult.

  14. daysgoby

    Had a long, quiet night with my five year old, who outlasted me to watch the ball drop. Oh – and I discovered she’s a huge fan of Dinner: Impossible too! Guess the built-man-with-accent weakness didn’t fall far from the tree.

    Or something.

  15. zenrain

    slept, after getting up at 3am for out plane out of Florida!

  16. dotkar

    We stayed at home for a quiet evening. Good thing, since two people were killed on the roads of our small town that night!

    As for your prizes this month, I don’t know which one I’m more excited about – I really need a calendar for my office and would love to have one of yours!

  17. Tekee

    Caving to the sad face of our youngest, Nick, we chose to stay home and let him host his own celebration with a couple of his girlfriends. I had forgotten how giggly and chatty teenage girls can be. It was worth it in the end though, seeing our son’s frown turn upside down.

  18. J at

    For New Years, we went to the horse races, which I bet on and WON. Yay me! NYE is my birthday, so maybe that helped. Then we came home and had a wonderful party, and my husband cooked a delicious lamb curry for everyone. It was excellent.

  19. J at

    For New Years, we went to the horse races, which I bet on and WON. Yay me! NYE is my birthday, so maybe that helped. Then we came home and had a wonderful party, and my husband cooked a delicious lamb curry for everyone. It was excellent.

  20. k

    Ice skating with the family!

  21. Bobbi

    We celebrated New Years with friends. Had a great time!

  22. Kelly

    Just stayed in watching “The West Wing” dvds(Christmas present). Toasted with champagne, and went to bed! So excited for music and calendar. Happy New Year to you!

  23. mar

    Stayed home. Had pate, cheese and Kir royale. Watched Carson Daly for Green Day, waited for the ball to drop in NYC and went to bed.

    Nice night. Thanks for asking. 😉

  24. melissa

    Oldest kid wanted chinese food for dinner, so I made beef & broccoli and heated up some potstickers. Hubby and I watched Star Trek, the new movie. Hubby is getting over a cold so it was a struggle for him to stay awake. Shared some sparkling white wine and watched the last few minutes of Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Year’s Eve. We were asleep by 12:20

    We are real party animals!

    BTW- I love the calendar, hope to win one!

  25. well read hostess

    I haven’t won in a year. I won last Christmas and my life has been better since. Wouldn’t you like to contribute to a happier 2010…for me?


  26. Buttercupyaya

    Hey! Maybe 2010 will bring winning…to ME! I am jealous of the winners EVERY month… 🙁 Sad.


  27. Buttercupyaya

    Oh crap…not starting off well at all, am I?

    We stay home every year for NYE…it’s pretty low key until midnight hits and my kids go outside with a cooking pot and a wooden spoon and compete with the neighbors’ fireworks. 🙂

  28. Reese

    I danced the night away in a small club with the English Beat 🙂 It was fantastic!

    Happy New Year, y’all!

  29. GwenG

    Nice dinner, cozy fire, wii with the kids, in bed by 10:00!! Enjoyed some much needed down-time!

  30. Naomi Mimi

    played games and didn’t drink this NYE. thought about how much i want the next 10 years to be totally unlike the last 10. ^_^

  31. chloebear

    out til 4:30 🙂 then work at 7:(

  32. Marla

    Celebrate? Really, people with children still get to do that?

  33. Marla

    Does meeting up with a girlfriend and her family earlier on NYE count as NYE plans?

  34. Michelle

    I haven’t entered in one of your contests for a while. I’ll give it a whirl again! 🙂

  35. Kelly

    I feel the need to comment again..increasing chances. 🙂

  36. tara

    we were *those* parents who brought our 7 month old to a party of unkidded types.

    he was growth spurting or some such and would have terrorized a babysitter beyond any hope of a future gig, so we went, with him.

    he woke from the pack-n-play in time for the stroke of midnight — and wanted to PARTAY!

  37. monstergirlee

    I am so glad I didn’t win last month (even tho it was christmas music which I love love love) so I can maybe win a calendar.
    So, more about NYE. I’m going to post a photo of an appetizer that someone brought. It was a Space Needle that she made into an appetizer.. thing. Homemade, it was AWESOME. You’ll have to stop by and see it.

  38. Melissa

    We kicked it retirement home style and saw Avatar with the Parental Units and were home by 9:30pm. We did down a bottle of Champagne just to go a little crazy.

  39. Ginger

    I spent the night with good friends and rang in the New Year on Colfax. If it’s any indication how the next year will treat me, it’ll be full of dive bars and hookers, but plenty of good times. 😉

  40. Zandor

    I went to a friends house and was there with his family.

  41. Michelle

    Me, Me, Me. Pick ME please.

  42. Michelle

    Entering again from Iowa while cheering for my IOWA Hawkeyes!

  43. Michelle

    Come on people. Y’all are boring tonight. Why am I the only one posting? 🙂

  44. Marta

    Happy New Years!

  45. pinkfred

    Working. Otherwise would have fallen asleep at 10pm on the couch waiting for midnight.

  46. Persephone

    I had Cuban food, including my beloved yucca, which is not yuck at all. 🙂

  47. gcmandrake

    Wow, this would be a wonderful way to start the new year. 2010. Didn’t Arthur C. have something to say about that year?

    Happy New Year!

  48. Laurie

    I went to Mommy4Cocktails in the wilds of Virginia and she made an outstanding steak au poivre dinner and had all kinds of wine and I got outstandingly drunk on that and @damnhusband’s homemade mead.

    And then I spent the next day recovering and watching them cook and make beer and played with the cutest baby ever. I’d say it was fairly successful. 🙂

    Happy new year, my love.

  49. Maroussia

    It will be great to watch Mamma Mia!, i have bought tickets from looking forward to it.

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