Literally, the 3 funniest photos in the history of the internet.
And finally! Our “HAPPY” faces.
(large sizes in my Flickrstream)
All the while, Julie’s daughter Tacy maintained an inner peace and tranquility usually impossible at blogger gatherings. She is truly wise beyond her years.
BUT WAIT! There’s more! Coming soon! Photos of Kyle in his Rush concert wife-beater t-shirt, Declan stuffed with tissues to look pregnant, the aftermath of CJ peeing on my lawn… and as an awesome bonus: Heather and Bryan virtually beating the crap out of each other playing Wii boxing!
I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried.
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OH! And I forgot when Julie, Heather and I were making our “boob” gang signs.
Good times.
those are AWESOME!!!
Those are AWESOME. You are making me even giddier about meeting Heather in two weeks!
Tacy makes me feel very zen.
Heather, you are clearly a really good sport, what with dealing with that crazy crew.
I am thinking you could get your jaw a little wider if you actually unhinged it.
I didn’t realize it then, but in that third picture, Oliver is reaching out for Tacy’s hair, attempting to shatter her meditative posture.
I KNOW! Oliver is totally one of the best things about these photos. ONE OF. There are SO MANY.
Tacy is beyond good & evil.
I can’t believe that.
Oh I love Tracy! 😀 Look at her picture! 😀 Yes, I agree, she is indeed wise.
I love the yoga in the front. Totally.
Those are some great photos! 🙂
You always have the best pictures.
Great shots! Tacy cracks me up.
Those pictures are so great! Especially the Zen cutie in the front.
I miss you guys!!!!
pretty funny!