
March Greeblemix!

March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb? Must be true for the east coast at least, as they are getting pummeled by snow today. Us? Here in Colorado? It’s supposed to be 60-70’s all week. My guess that lion and lamb thing will be reversed for us, because my flowers are starting to sprout. I wonder when we’ll get that massive spring storm that shuts down the city for days. Three… two… one…

In the meantime, friends, let’s worry about MUSIC instead! Meaning, time for me to put together some of my favorite tunes and time for you, my internet pals, to hear some of it! Below are the rules, have fun!

1. Comment as often as you like, up until midnight (Mountain time), March 2nd, 2009.
2. The more comments you make, the more chances you have to win.
3. No anonymous comments. Please make sure your email address is easily accessible through your entry!
4. Winners from last month, please take a month off.
5. Tomorrow morning, I will use to randomly select three winners. Three free mix CDs, three winners!
6. Winners must be willing to give me their snail mail to send the CDs.
7. No need to have to have a blog to enter. We are equal opportunity around here.

This article has 49 comments

  1. Kellyology

    Wait! I’m first? Awesome!

    Weather here is supposed to be beautiful too. 70’s-80’s Feel badly for those trapped at home.

    My e-mail address won’t be accessible with blogger but it is on my blog. Just in case…

  2. Franklin5

    G’morning from Texas, where we hope to stave away summer temps just a little while longer.

    The second comment on the second of March: feeling lucky…

  3. SP

    I won about a year ago and it is still in my top 3 dinner party CDs. I suppose it’s time to expand my selection. HELP! 🙂

  4. Melissa

    happy (snow)day from NYC!

  5. Annie

    The weather here, in South Dakota, is still cold, but warming this week. I am very tired of snow.

    I LOVE a good mix. Great way to discover new music.

  6. Karen

    Man, could I use some new tunes. Pick me!

  7. San

    Yes, yes, yes, this time I want to win 🙂 🙂 🙂


    Its always snowing here in the Adirondacks! Hope I win!

  9. Sue at nobaddays

    commenting 😉 …

  10. Meghann

    We ended up getting no snow, even though it snowed everywhere around us. It’s like we live a snow repellent bubble or something. So we just have the cold weather for a few days. BOO.

  11. A

    I am completely jealous of the 60s and 70s… I woke up to a blizzard in NYC. The only good thing about it, I didn’t have to go to work! Schools closed!! (which never happens in the city!)

  12. Nadine

    Spring is here in The Netherlands! It’s still chilly, but I am SO happy to see the sun again.

  13. celiajoy

    i would love me some new tunes!!

  14. Janna Bee

    I heart mixed CDs. I even just gave one away at my blog!

  15. Becky

    Commenting about commenting in the comment section of your great blog because I love your CD’s…

  16. WSister

    Pick me, Pick me! I’m in desperate need of some cool tunes.

  17. Wenderina

    Entering for a chance to win some tune-age.

  18. Kelly

    I thought the lion was coming, but we are apparently in the ‘NO SNOW ZONE’ part of SC. Tho we still have the 30* temps.
    A new CD would definitely make me feel better! 🙂

  19. Megan

    Music you say? I’m all for it!


    Try, try again!

  21. HellTygr

    Can it possibly be March already? Dang.
    Seattle weather is pretty lamb-ish too, we got our obligatory February snow, hopefully we’re done with winter soon.

  22. Kelly

    One more before I’m off sofa shopping. I wanna WIN!!! 🙂

  23. The Casual Perfectionist

    It’s March! My birthday is this week! This could totally count as my birthday present. 😉

  24. The Casual Perfectionist

    Back to back entries probably doesn’t help my odds of winning…but then again, it can’t hurt. 🙂

  25. Michelle M

    Still hoping to get one of these someday! I still need more music in my life! Good luck everyone!

  26. Nat

    I always thought that it was “In like a lion out like a lamb… unless it’s in like lamb then it’s out like a lion.”

    liveredsky at hotmail

  27. Auntsmack

    im jealous!.. 11 inches of snow here in NJ!

  28. Velma

    I need some tuneage to break me out of this winter funk.

  29. laurie

    I actually got off of my ass on this unexpected snow day and took a walk after I cleared off my car. It was nice.

    Also, I like music, so thanks for the cool suggestions that I know I’ll get even if I don’t win. 🙂 xo.

  30. Chag

    I’m always looking for new music.

  31. zenrain

    pick me, pick me!

  32. The Casual Perfectionist

    Bring on the March Greeblemix! 🙂 (And, I just realized my email doesn’t post with my comment…but you probably already have it.) 😉

  33. NaysWay

    Don’t tell me that. Don’t you dare tell me you’re experiencing Spring happiness. In COLO-FRICKIN-RADO of all places. Not fare. (Cleveland, you suck.)


  34. Rhiannon

    I need new tunes for my LONG commute.

  35. Karen

    My iPod is pissed at me that I haven’t updated my music in more than a year. I hope I win, so my iPod will start speaking to me again.


    One last try …..

  37. April

    I always love finding new music – I love this idea!!

    Again, it was great meeting you at the wine tasting on your recent trip here. Hope you enjoyed your time in Houston!

  38. Grace Boyle

    First of all, I saw the cd’s you made Tara and I loved the playlists. Second of all, I love music and mix cd’s soooo, I think I’m a fantastic candidate. Great idea 🙂

  39. Grace Boyle

    And did I say I love music? 🙂
    gracekboyle at gmail dot com

  40. Grace Boyle

    Lucky number 3. March is my birthday month, plus this year it’s on Friday the 13th. Yikes, I need some musica luck.

  41. Bridge

    wow! new music. me

  42. Megan

    Just checking back in, the weather will be warming up here tomorrow!

  43. SMACK

    did i mention its my birthday!

  44. Laura

    Want. Pick me. Pick me!

  45. The Casual Perfectionist

    Let’s try this again! What’s one more comment? 🙂

    ~thecasualperfectionist @gmail .com

  46. The Casual Perfectionist

    Will this really be comment 42? If so, it’s the answer to life, love, and hopefully the Greeblemix Contest. 😉

    ~thecasualperfectionist @gmail .com

  47. Katie

    From one Denverite to another! Cheers to 75 degrees in March!

  48. Michelle M

    Just thought I would stop back in and say hi again.. we are having a dinner party soon and I’d love to have some new tunes to play!

  49. Megan

    Checking back in! Why not?!

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