One More Day… deep breath… One More Day
Declan has been an absolute pistol all week. Bryan finally comes home from Maryland tomorrow. While we know it was important to be there for his mom this week – it’s definitely time to come home. We think Declan kind of is scared that Daddy won’t come home at all after all this talk of Pop Pop being dead. It’s been whining, crying, and time-out central at my house all week. We’ve been trying to do video chat with Bryan and much as possible, but of course, it’s not the same.
I’m still tired as hell (2 weeks of non-sleep really wipes you out – 1st week sleep study sleep deprevation and then second week traveling and funeral). I was having vertigo earlier in the week, I was so tired. It’s slowly going away as I have been getting 9-10 hours the last few days. But I know Declan is feeding off my mood too.
I can’t wait for Bryan to get home.
I can’t wait for Bryan to get home.
I can’t wait for Bryan to get home.
I can’t wait for Bryan to get home.
I can’t wait for Bryan to get home.