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You searched for: UMS

Best iPhone Apps – Wrapup 2010

A week doesn't goes by where people don't ask me for iPhone app recommendations. So. LET'S DO THIS. Here are the majority of ones that reside on my phone right now, and I feel are important enough to tell you about, for one reason or…

Behind the Scenes at the 2010 American Idol Finale

Note: This trip was sponsored by Ford, but all words are mine. Cross-posted at Mile High Mamas. Friends, if you look up the word surreal in the dictionary, you will see a photo of me, sitting in the American Idol finale audience. Because that's what…

Vacation Guest Blogger: Schmutzie

I have always loved this lady's photographs. And then she launched a little thing called Five Star Friday, which is kind of like Best Week Ever, but better, because it's all about sharing love with links. THEN she got all crazy and started Grace In…

July Greeblepix Finalists!

I love having this contest. You guys are so cool. And great photographers. I was popping Tums yet again this month, picking from such an awesome collection of images.But here they are, the 10 finalists for July. VOTE AWAY! Remember! The winner gets a $250…

Celebrity Is As Celebrity Does

By now, I am sure you have heard of the Ashton Kutcher vs. CNN Twitter War, the race to be the first user with one million followers, and the subsequent backlash in the Twitterverse over their tactics... plus other celebrities like Oprah jumping on the…

Looking Back

Most of you have heard about Maddie Spohr by now. I went back and forth yesterday, whether I was going to post about it, scared to feel exploitative of a really tender situation. But seeing as Declan was a 32 week preemie, I felt like…