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You searched for: In The Whale

Good vs. Evil

I finally let Declan watch Star Wars. A New Hope, to be exact. Number 1 to us, Number 4 to him. Those of you who know me well? Please don't send me the bill for the concussion you just got for falling off your chair.Yes.…

Celebrity Is As Celebrity Does

By now, I am sure you have heard of the Ashton Kutcher vs. CNN Twitter War, the race to be the first user with one million followers, and the subsequent backlash in the Twitterverse over their tactics... plus other celebrities like Oprah jumping on the…

Maui Day 6 (Christmas)

Our day started out just like any other Christmas day. Except we were in a hotel room. In Hawaii. We had only brought a few gifts for Declan, and he understood that Santa was making a minor drop there in Maui, and the rest of…

Maui Day 4 (Snorkeling)

And here we resume the Hawaii recaps! I know you are all relieved annoyed.Day 4 was our big snorkeling trip. But no snorkeling trip is complete without a concert first, especially starring a nekked little kid playing a blue ukulele.Have I mentioned I forgot one…

Maui Day 2 (Hana)

Day 2 finds us trekking the Road to Hana. Jeff and Danielle warned us it would be long and curvy. But no warning is enough. Usually I am the only one who gets carsick, but by halfway through the day every single one of us…

Brave New World

Whew. That was way less painful than last time.What do you think of the new look?Yes, I added ads. I know. Shameful. But this is not my first foray into commercialism on my blog. I had Google ads for a while, but I hated them…

Will it be Mister Splashy Pants?

Apparently Greenpeace has a sense of humor too.They opened up a whale-naming contest this month, and promptly had a hacker push "Mister Splashy Pants" into the lead. The removed the hacked votes, but by then, the competition had already gone viral - something we have…