
Sometimes it’s like talking to a 40 year old.

This morning on the way to school, out of the blue…

Declan: So, Mama, will you be working at your company forever?

Aimee: Well, I can’t tell you that for sure, but I know it will be a long, long time.

Declan: But could you stop working there?

Aimee: Well, most people can quit a job if they are unhappy, or find a better one – but since I am a part-owner of the company, it’s more complicated.

Declan: So you can’t just quit, huh?

Aimee: Nope. And most people make sure they have another job lined up before they quit the job they have anyway. [Need to impress this fact upon him early, right?] But mama loves her company, so I will be there for a long time.

Declan: OK. That’s nice.

Meanwhile, the thoughts running through my head: Does he want me to quit? Did he hear about someone else wanting to quit?

Or more importantly… is he angling to make a hostile takeover???

This article has 9 comments

  1. zipper

    He is soooo ready to take over.

  2. Sizzle

    yeah i’m thinking hostile take over too. followed by a big hug. 😉

  3. Mr Lady

    I’m going with the third one, too. I’ve met that kid. I’m seen that glimmer in his eye. Let us pray he uses his powers for good and not evil!

  4. Gretchen

    I too, am thinking hostile takeover.

    Not too long ago, I had the discussion with my kids that I can, indeed, work. That if push came to shove, they’d go to before and/or afterschool care and I could work. And along those same lines just because I don’t get paid like Daddy doesn’t mean I don’t work. Taking care of three kids is work.

    Wow. How did I manage to turn this to all about me?

  5. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Cause you know I love to hear stuff like that Gretchen!

  6. Anonymous

    he is hilarious!

  7. Jerseygirl89

    I have to agree with everyone else – as soon as I saw the takeover option, I just knew that was it!

  8. Megan

    The kid is so ready to take over the reigns.

  9. sue

    I love when kids start expressing these deep thoughts… and, yes, you wonder if they are aliens.

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