

Tulum Mexico Luxury Hotel

Tulum Mexico Hotel – La Zebra: Luxury in the Heat

Note: La Zebra provided a portion of my stay, however all words and photos are mine. I just returned from Mexico and it's exactly what I needed. Rest, relaxation, sun, great food, drink and, most importantly, friends. The lovely Andrea was about to turn 40 years…
Tabacon Hot Springs

Costa Rica Hot Springs at Tabacon Resort

When I attended ROAR Retreat recently, I stayed an extra few days with my friend, client and co-organizer of the conference Andrea. I thought we were going actually work, but she had other plans. She insisted there is no way I could visit Costa Rica…
Roar Retreat Recap - Costa Rica Travel

Roar Retreat Recap

The past two months have been full of travel, new experiences, learning... plus seeing old friends while making new ones. The event that brought me to Costa Rica was Roar Retreat, a social media conference for professional bloggers. The idea for ROAR was hatched by two clients over a year ago, because Andrea Fellman and Nadia Carriere loved how the best ideas happen in the halls between sessions. Their dream came to fruition last month when around 35 women traveled out of the country for intimate networking in a gorgeous location, the Westin Playa Conchal. Personally, I vote for every conference to be held at all-inclusive resorts from now on, forever and ever, amen.
Rambutan - red spiky fruit Costa Rica

Mamón Chino (Costa Rican Rambutan)

One of the great things about travel is finding things you have never seen before, much less tasted. To be fair, we had a wonderful guide in Costa Rica by way of ex-pat Andrea Fellman and she basically ran off the road when she saw…
Waterfall Costa Rica Hot Springs

Costa Rica Waterfall (Animated GIF)

Getting back into the swing of things after being in Costa Rica for 10 days is hard. Overwhelming. Which is why I took some time this afternoon to browse through my thousands of photos from our visit to Tabacon Hot Springs and in a huge effort to relieve the experience, I created an animated GIF of my friends getting pummeled by a waterfall of volcano water. Left to right are Kim Tracy Prince, Andrea Fellman and Romy Schorr. Good sports all three, and great travel buddies.