
The Unlikely Candidates - Denver Concert Photos

The Unlikely Candidates at Bluebird Denver

As everyone has been asking, “what’s the last concert you saw before lockdown?” these past two months – my answer is “The Unlikely Candidates at Bluebird Theater Denver.” Which is why I couldn’t bring myself to edit these photos all this time – that means I have no concerts left to do, and who knows when the next show will be?

But I am glad my “last show” trivia question answer is TUC, since we’ve been friends for quite a while (check out my interview with them from when they were here in late 2019). And also, they put on a terrific live show. All five members give everything, and you can’t help but leaving with a smile.

Same is true for all the virtual appearances they have been putting on since quarantine started. Every Wednesday, they do “Flatten the Hump Day” on their own Facebook and Instagram, and they have been joining other bands all over the place for a ton of shows.

Me? I can’t wait till they make a (safe) appearance here in Denver again and we can get back to the business of loving on our favorite bands in real life again.

The Unlikely Candidates – Denver Photos 2020

Check out my other posts about the Bluebird Theater!

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