August GreebleMIX Winners!
Hey, have you heard of this thing called jetlag? It totally kicks your ass, especially on your first day back to work. It also makes you not get to posting the winners of the music contest till 10:09pm. Um, not really. But it does make you yawn ALL FECKING DAY.
So, on to the winners. Since we all were a little sleepy this month, I just had Bryan yell out random numbers from the bedroom. Well, more like whisper as we didn’t want to wake Declan because HE STARTS SECOND GRADE TOMORROW. Second grade. Let me say that one more time. SECOND GRADE.
So, before the massive panic attack sets in, the winners are:
2 – Laurie
7 – Michelle Leigh
9 – Bethany
Winners, email me your snail mail addresses to aimee at greeblemonkey dot com! Hooray!
Impossible by Daniel Merriweather
Melody by Kate Earl
My Secret Friend (feat. Imogen Heap) by IAMX
Brighter Than Sunshine by Aqualung
Where the Sly Ends by The Color Turning
Amazing by Josh Kelley
Out of Reach by Gabrielle
Chalk Lines by Division Day
My Ever Changing Moods by The Style Council
Beach by Mew
Wisdom by Gran Ronde
Look After You by The Fray
Anything’s Possible by Jonny Lang
Treat Me Like Your Mother by The Dead Weather
Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John
Bones by Holly Long
Stuck In Lalaland (feat. Morpheus) by The Penelope[s]Fisherman’s Blues by The Waterboys
Breathe by Thea Gilmore
Next music contest back to the 1st Monday of the month!
Good list! Young Folks has been on my playlist for a while now.
Woo-hoo! A first win for me! Looks like some great tunes. 🙂 Thx….
missed you guys – welcome back! guest posters were fun.
Missed you guys, welcome home! Guest posters were fun!