Author: Aimee

It’s only just begun…

Declan had his very first homework assigment last week. It was to trace simple shapes on an activity sheet, so I think he'll be able to handle the pressure of preschool academics. He'll get homework every Thursday night... and every month, we'll be assigned a…

It is coming.

The cooldown has started. I am shutting windows and wearing socks to bed.Let's all send up a universal prayer that we get to Water World at least one more time. Not that Declan gives a shit.*I* would be highly disappointed.What happened to summer?

It’s a small, small world.

Here is a conversation that happened at my gym yesterday:Another girl working out: "Do you know of any fun places to have birthday parties for little kids?"Owner of the gym: "Well, there is Gymboree."Aimee (walking into the conversation): "Oh, yeah - that's great - we…

Rose Harvest

I just got a ton of roses off our 3 plants in the backyard. They make for a lovely tablesetting, don't you think? The deep red are Ingrid Bergman and the pink/cream ones are Lady Diana. I love how well they both grow without me…

It’s all interconnected, isn’t it?

The body, I mean.I had a long talk with the head of the Sleep Disorders Center at St. Anthony's Hospital yesterday. We are scheduling a sleep study for me - a "parasomnia montage" to be specific - in a few weeks. That sure sounds fancy,…

I guess it goes both ways sometimes.

This morning when I dropped Declan off at school, I introduced myself to one of the other moms. An incredible feat in of itself, but that's a story for another day. When I told her I was Declan's mom, she said.... "Ahhhh! My daughter was…

One small step for womankind…

The FDA approved the morning after pill to go over the counter today. Thank friggin' God. At least if you are 18 and older. Or a man having sex with a woman 18 and older. Or if you have a friend who is 18 and…