Awesome Classroom Assignment for Valentine’s Day
One of the mottos at Dex’s school is to teach the whole child. I love how sometimes that means emotional growth, not just academics.
For Valentine’s Day, they were asked to write a personal note to every single other classmate. Not just “Happy V-day, Love – Me.”
Dex decided to give them a wrapped box of candy too, and most importantly, Dex had to really think about what he was saying to each child.
My favorite note is to Milo:
“You are always getting your work done while blowing stuff up!”
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Love it!
If only there had been more Milos throughout my education it might not have been so tedious for me!
This is really cool. And I like how each kid gets one with a v personalized message. Makes everyone feel good and no one feel under-valentinized.
This is awesome. So much better than the standard box of nerds with the punched out generic card.
I think I’m going to steal this idea and make my son do this next year.
In a world where everything is becoming de-personalized and cookie cutter this adds real value to the giver and receiver.
Thanks y’all! OMSH, trust me – Milo is such a hilarious kid! Love him so much!
This is very sweet. My kid also made a special card in school for the Valentines Day. I was so touched.