Better Homes & Gardens – Mother’s Day Traditions
So I walk into the dentist’s yesterday to have two, YES – TWO, cavities filled. Before you think too badly of me, it’s been FOREVER since I have had a one cavity, much less TWO. FOR-EVER. So, I really wasn’t “walking” into the dentist’s. I think I would call it more like skulking. Skulking with my head down, thinking maybe – just MAYBE – if they didn’t see me we could all pretend I didn’t have two, YES – TWO, big old spots of decay in my mouth that they planned to attack with drills and needles and various other weird dental apparatus.
But NO! … The minute I walked in, almost everyone in the office started talking to me at once. “Love the article!” … “Wow, Better Homes & Gardens!” … “How did that happen, Aimee?”
I looked at them all like they had been hitting the laughing gas and resumed my skulking.
Skulking is a fun word, by the way.
Just not when you are using it to avoid the dentist.
Then they all flapped pages in my face and I started reading. Oh my! Yes! I do remember talking to a writer from BHG about this. A long time ago! B.E. – Before Ear! It was supposed to be a tidbit in a group of Mother’s Day traditions!
But look!
How cool is THIS?
(click here to see larger version)
Thanks to Better Homes & Gardens for making two, YES – TWO, cavities end up being kinda fun.
What are your Mother’s Day traditions?
Congrats, Aimee!
Aimee, I was simply skulking by your blog when I saw your name in a major magazine like Better Homes & Gardens!
1) Congratulations. Had to help numb the pain of not one but two cavities.
2) I love your blog. The look, the content.
3) I don’t think I’ve told you that before. Bad friend.
4) I agree about the use of the word Skulking.
I want your autograph. 😉
We have a tradition- brunch that includes waffles or pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream which my sister and I make. When we lived in CA we’d dine out on the deck in the sun. Now that we all reside in Seattle, it has to be indoors (boo!).
I love your tradition.
Wow! That is too cool! I was able to spend last Mother’s Day at High Country Gardens in Santa Fe… it was the best! 😉 I am going right out to buy the magazine!
WOW. That is so cool, Aimee. I’m going to get my Mom’s copy from her tomorrow!
So how many cavities did you have? 😉
SO Cool!! Love that you didn’t remember it and were grumpy until you saw it! 🙂
How awesome is that!
And yes, that is the perfect way to spend Mother’s Day!
Fantastic!! Congrats…
You can totally have my drink tickets any time.
WooHoo I love it!
Absolutely fabulous!! Congratulationa Aimee. It was such a pleasure speaking to you. I love what you do!
Congratulations that is so exciting!!
For many years my annual Mother’s Day gift was rototilling. My husband would rent a tiller, and til the garden.
Now we have (slightly) raised beds along the side of the garage, which aren’t quite so conducive to tilling (but the soil is easy to work so doesn’t really need it), and my top desire is to simply get in the garden and plant stuff. The weather is rarely nice enough for planting any earlier than this anyway.
This is SO cool!