

Black Cat TikTok Videos

Billy Joel The Cat on TikTok – Lazy Black Cat Videos

I've never been a huge fan of TikTok, to be honest. The endless scroll of short videos and trendy challenges just didn't resonate with me the way other social media platforms do. However, as much as I resisted it, I've come to understand that TikTok…
Funny conversations with our dog.

Conversations With Our Dog

Note from Aimee: I lifted this from my husband's Facebook page. Yes, I am a thief. Dog: Hey there! Great to see ya! Ooooo, you look tired. Wanna pet me? *lick lick* I love you! You smell nice! Like a heaven cake. With angel sprinkles…
Manuel Antonio National Park Howler Monkey

Manuel Antonio National Park in Costa Rica

When I returned to Costa Rica for the second time, there was one place I knew we had to visit that, since I had missed it the first time around. Manuel Antonio National Park is in the central Pacific Coast side of Costa Rica and…
Costa Rican Flowers and Plants

The Flowers & Plants of Costa Rica

We have our first real touch of cold here in Colorado, which - let's face it, compared to other parts of the world, is not that cold... but when you have recently been to the rainforest, it sure feels cold. One of the things that…
Strange Alien Lizard Creature from Costa Rica

Jesus Christ Lizard (Green Basilisk) from Costa Rica

I have numerous photos of a wide variety of flowers from Costa Rica; the country is so incredibly diverse biologically speaking. We saw several interesting animals there, but none startled and amazed me as much as this bizarre alien looking lizard that darted out from…

I interupt the radio silence to introduce…

POE!Technically his full name is "Poe Hamster." Poe as in Edgar Allan. Because Bryan loves Edgar Allan Poe as a writer and Poe was from Baltimore (where we grew up) and also Poe the dog was born in October - so it was a slightly…

Celebration of a Really Great Dog

Well, the day finally came. We put Rio down today. There were lots of tears, but in our hearts we know it was the right time. The doctor who helped us fight her cancer immediately stopped what he was doing when he heard we were…