

Sad Dog Diary by Ze Frank

I really have no idea how I missed this. I subscribe to Ze Frank in multiple ways; I think he is awesome. I have seen him speak in person before, which doubly verified how awesome he is.But alas, some how I had never seen Sad…

Behind the Scenes at the 2010 American Idol Finale

Note: This trip was sponsored by Ford, but all words are mine. Cross-posted at Mile High Mamas. Friends, if you look up the word surreal in the dictionary, you will see a photo of me, sitting in the American Idol finale audience. Because that's what…

Behind the Scenes of Cirque du Soleil KOOZA!

If you follow me on Twitter, you know that a bunch of the Mile High Mamas were invited to the premiere night of the new Cirque du Soleil show last week. Bryan and I have been to several Cirque shows, and I have to say…

My Lucky Rocketship Underpants

I spent a significant portion of my afternoon searching for examples of the Calvin & Hobbes cartoons where Calvin talks about his lucky rocketship underpants and how they make him more prepared and excited for his day. But apparently, there are zero examples of that…


I was driving into work this morning and the radio was playing "Miracle Drug" by U2. I have always loved that song, but I sat there and really listened to the lyrics for the first time. I was stuck yet again by how Bono is…