
My Parking Psychosis

Do you have a thing that you know is crazy but you don't care, it just bugs you?My thing is people parking in front of our house.Yes, I know we live in an urban neighborhood.Yes, I know it is a public street.Yes, I know I…

I Told Him

I love my kid. He is a great kid. He is mature, well-behaved, thoughtful.But sometimes, he is so clueless about how good he has it, and how easy his life is.I try really hard not to pull the "my life was so much harder than…

Thank God for Jon Stewart

I read a comment somewhere that people are now considering Jon Stewart the "most trusted newsman in America" - much like they used to say about Walter Cronkite.With amazing coverage like this, I believe it. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p…

Funny Tweets from The Republican National Convention

Night one of the RNC had everyone rolling. On Twitter at least. Click on the names to get to these funny folks' Favstar pages and read more funny tweets.BadbananaTeaPartyCatKenJenningsRexHuppkeMarinkaNYCBonisteelLafixJennyJohnsonHi5ThatKristenGoldenGateBlondJerryThomasPaulRyanGoslingMikeDruckerSchindizzleDMorrissey And exactly HOW many nights will #RNC2012 go on?

Caught In The Crosshairs

I can't believe it, but I am uninsured right now.Those who know my health history can't believe it either.But we are victims of timing.Bryan was laid off, losing his group insurance. We have applied to two major insurance companies and were denied so fast that…

Please Don’t Make Me Be A Bitch

"Excuse me, I was here first."These are words I had to utter this morning as I attempted to speak to a summer camp supervisor at drop-off.As another parent gave me a look of complete disgust.After that same parent came up to talk to the supervisor…