
Your High School You

What's the Internet for if not to steal stuff, right? Because Beth Fish had a great post yesterday asking what people were like in high school. And I have been mulling some sort of high school post for a while, seeing as my 20th reunion…

My Last Words on the Subject

I had my first bloggy "incident" last night. But it really can't be called that seeing as what really happened was: my friend Doodaddy posted something that hurt my feelings, I reacted like a girl, he asked me what was wrong, I told him, he…

A Dissenting Opinion on The Lactivists

I am going to get in soooooooo much trouble here.But I am going to have to disagree (somewhat) with the buzz right now among the Mommy Blogs.Yes, I have seen the clip of the Bill Maher breastfeeding thing. And I have to say, I agree…

The Great State Debate

Julie did one thing that irked me when she moved to Colorado. She referred to this state as the "midwest" in her blog bio.Seriously? The Midwest? When everybody and their brother calls Denver a "cowtown?" When, before our wedding in 1996, we actually had friends…

Boy Bratz & Raising Cain

Remember when I hijacked Izzy's Bratz thread and went off on child beauty pageants? Well, Bryan sent me an email I have been meaning to get back to."Fortunately for boys, they have absolutely no pressure to be anything at all. They are not pushed into…
Potatoes Not Prozac Book

Alcohol, Addiction, Potatoes… and yes, Britney!*

Day 5 of Britney-Watch and now that K-Fed is starting to look like the normal, mature person in that relationship... I am thinking about how lucky I am to have avoided the trap of addiction. My father was a hard-core alcoholic. Vodka was his drink…

Things I Hate

Since it has been a cranky week, and my pal Melissa started a trend... I am gonna list all the things I hate. In no particular order:- Feeling nauseous- People who are close-minded- If I am being honest... People who are stupid (and thus I…