

Black Cat TikTok Videos

Billy Joel The Cat on TikTok – Lazy Black Cat Videos

I've never been a huge fan of TikTok, to be honest. The endless scroll of short videos and trendy challenges just didn't resonate with me the way other social media platforms do. However, as much as I resisted it, I've come to understand that TikTok…


“How did you guys meet?” “Twitter.” That’s the answer for so many of our IRL friends, especially here in Denver/Boulder which embraced the bird app early. Some people may not get the mourning and pain tweeps are going through right now but the sad thing…
Greeblehaus Blog Anniversary- 17 Years

Happy 17th Birthday, Greeblehaus!

It sounds extremely weird to say it, but this blog turned 17 years old this week. Seventeen. That is 1/3 of my life. Seventeen years that I have been pouring my heart and soul into this online digest. I often say I started as a…

I’ve Been On A Break

Can you believe January is over, we’re well into February, and this is the longest that I have not posted on this blog since I started it 15 years ago? I have always joked that I wanted to sleep through the beginning of the year…

The First Pata

Got the news that my great aunt Tante Gretel passed away early this morning in Germany. She was the last surviving sibling of my grandmother and would have been 100 years old today. Imagine all the changes she saw in her life. She was my…

Black on Black Crime

I have been seeing some dumb "what-aboutism" posts pointing to black on black crime somehow making BLM hypocritical. First, yes, the majority of black people murdered are killed by other black people. But ALSO, the majority of white people murdered are killed by other white…
Toxic Masculinity At Concerts

Toxic Masculinity at Concerts

Trigger Warning: Abuse and Sexism If you ask a woman about existing in a crowded public space, we all have stories about being rubbed up against or groped. Sometimes it's overt, sometimes it's someone brushing past and copping a feel so stealthily, we have no…