
Making The Move

Not sure if you have heard, but Blogger is forcing everyone who hosts their site elsewhere and FTPs the files in to now host with Google. Actually, you may have heard because I have been screaming about it for weeks. I am not thrilled. I…


No, I am not quitting my blog.But I am frustrated. Unfulfilled. Searching for something.No, I am not taking a break. No drama.Just a little bit at a loss for words.How are you?

One Giant Leap Into Manhood

Warning: Gross Stuff Ahead.And parental whining.It appears Declan may have his first case of Athlete's Foot. At least his foot was itching last night, he wears socks too much, showers too little, so either way - his tootsies got the rub down with medicine, because…

For Valentine’s Week, Spread Some Blogger Love

*image snagged (with permission) from the incredibly awesome Kristin MainemommaHow about we show our friends in the blogging world some love?I know it's hard, and we're all so busy, but why not jump out of your blog reader this week and let your friends know…

Attending Mom 2.0 In Spirit

No, I won't be in Houston in a few weeks, I will be home, crying on my husband's shoulder that I couldn't make it. But I know the rest of you attending the Mom 2.0 Summit will have a wonderful, collaborative and stimulating time. I…

In Polar Opposition of Days

You may have seen me tweeting about the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day we all had yesterday. It was so bad that Declan wrote several poems over dinner. Poems = BAD DAY, people. I am sincerely glad that he is learning to express…

Travel & Conference Schedule 2010

Bryan and I do this every year.We don't talk about what is we're up to in the next year all through the holidays, and then BAM! Beginning of the year, I get this ITCH to fill up our calendar. ITCH ITCH ITCH. So we scratched.…