

No, I am not quitting my blog.

But I am frustrated. Unfulfilled. Searching for something.

No, I am not taking a break.

No drama.

Just a little bit at a loss for words.

How are you?

This article has 25 comments

  1. Beth in SF

    Haha I am great. Mid-dry spell myself.

  2. Katybeth

    Sometimes my cope cup reaches it limit and I run out of things I want to write about. Right now, I am wishing for Spring Fever so I’m spring cleaning with high hopes.

  3. zipper

    You got this.

  4. Jen

    girl, I am the same way! I keep telling myself things will change as the weather improves. lol we shall see.

  5. Stacey

    I don’t have a blog, but I am feeling this way at work. I really do think it’s the time of year. Hold tight, Spring is coming!

  6. Sue at nobaddays

    You’re allowed. It’s your danged blog! I’m fine 😉 Thanks for asking – ha!

  7. Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom

    I’ll go through a spell where I got nothin’.

    And then I suddenly see that I have two weeks worth of posts in queue.

    We’ll wait for you until you have something you feel like saying.

  8. Nat


    I’m having problems writing this month. I think I left part of my writing brain in the Bahamas.

  9. The Casual Perfectionist

    You know what comes after a dryspell? Rain. You know what comes after rain? Beautiful flowers.

    I love rain. I love beautiful flowers. Dryspells aren’t too bad either.

    I’ll be here regardless of the scenery or the weather. 🙂

  10. Kim Hosey

    How am I? Kinda the same.

    Only, your dry spell would be like a flood for me.

    Damn ADD.

  11. Julie @ The Mom Slant

    That’s the lovely thing about a blog. It’s here when you’re ready for it, and it doesn’t pester you with needy questions.

    Friends, on the other hand, are prone to pestering. I won’t pester, but I will offer some good times Chez Marsh, with plenty of blended alcoholic beverages. Expect an email.

  12. Cheryl

    Just started following and wondered if this was your norm. Yesterday I was going crazy because no one was posting and I couldn’t find any good laughs. You are not alone in your dry spell.

    As for me, um, well, er, uh, no I haven’t been posting either…

  13. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    You guys are awesome. xo

  14. Logical Libby

    It must be the time of year. I feel like everyone is considering a break, or quitting, or just thinks they have nothing to say. I have never seen so many memes and picture essays in my life. My blog included.

    Maybe we all need a drink and a vacation.

  15. Tarable

    Sister mercy, do I ever hear you.

    My silence is due to the difficult re-entry I’ve been having after a most amazing honeymoon in Belize. I just sit and look at Twitter, wondering if I’ve forgotten how to use it.

    Fortunately, we’re friends in real life and I know where you live. So if worse comes to worse, Adam and I will stage an intervention. With coconut milk.

  16. Deb

    cranky with legislative work. it sucks the life out of me!

  17. Jerry Deese

    Exactly the same. Neglecting both of my blogs (personal and professional) because I don’t feel like I have anything to say.

    I am hoping that the warmer weather gets me going again. Guess we will see.

  18. sue

    I can totally relate.

  19. Rachel Carlson me TOO. ugh.

  20. zipper

    Healthcare broke the drypell, huh?

  21. Buttercupyaya

    Even that post was inspirational.

    To know I am not alone?


    I hope you got a little of that from your loyal followers.


  22. EatPlayLove

    I so get you. Worst thing in the world is forced writing.

  23. Sloane

    The dry spells hit. I get them often. Blogging is supposed to be a release, or something that we’re gaining as much as we’re giving and sometimes…well sometimes I feel like as a woman I give so much and I forget to take and then I get frustrated and then I don’t want to share and just want to sit and keep my thoughts to myself. But really, then the blogger, the sharer comes out and I’m writing again.

    If you hit your next dry spell and want to talk it out – give me a ring!


  24. well read hostess

    Even when you are merely saying that you don’t have anything to say you still get a kabillion times more comments than I do.

    Hence: you have to keep saying stuff. (and maybe I am due for some kind of existential shindig)

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