
Dada (the band) – Live in Denver 2013

Before Dada came to Denver, I was lucky enough to interview them, and while they were here I was lucky enough to photograph them. Twenty-plus years is a long time for a band to be together, and even better – they still sound great.

I hadn’t seen them live since “Dizz Nee Land” was on the radio, but was pretty thrilled when they played my favorite, “Dim,” in the first three songs. This tour is a celebration of the 20th anniversary of their biggest album Puzzle, and it was clear they are still having a blast getting out there.


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Note: the band provided tickets for the show but all words and photos are mine.

This article has 5 comments

  1. Angela

    So glad you posted these! Yay Dada!

  2. Vicki

    Awesome photos as usual Aimee.

  3. Laura

    Very nice pictures – that song makes me think of college.

  4. Erin

    I missed Dada 🙁

  5. Bryan Bugfrog

    They are awesome.

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