
February Greeblemix Contest – Want Some New Music?

Is everyone a frozen popsicle of ice yet? We had 6 inches over the weekend and 6 more are coming tonight. When I talked to my aunt this weekend, she informed me, with a note of defiance in her voice, the number of days till Spring (which is now 40, by the way).

Point being, I’M READY FOR SPRING.

And are you ready for some NEW MUSIC?

Here’s how you enter:

1. Comment as often as you like, up until midnight THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2011.
2. No anonymous comments.
3. Winners from last month, please take a month off.
4. Then, FRIDAY MORNING, I will use to randomly select three winners. Three free mix CDs for three winners!
5. Winners must be willing to give me their snail mail to send the CD. If you don’t send me your address, I can’t send the CD. (And please be patient, I usually take *at least* a week or two!)
6. No need to have to have a blog to enter. We are equal opportunity around here.

How has the weather been where you are?

What are you up to this month?

Doing anything for Valentine’s Day?

This article has 15 comments

  1. Mary Lynn

    The weather is cold and snowy here in the Toronto area, and it’s supposed to get even colder tomorrow.

    This month we’re going on a family vacation to Florida to go to Disney World. It’s our first visit there, so we’re pretty excited. Hoping for some nice weather while we’re down there, too.

    We never do all that much for Valentine’s day. I have a small gift to give each of our kids, but DH and I are just going to exchange cards and have a nice meal at home. We usually celebrate our engagement anniversary instead (which is Feb 22). Since we’re going to be in Florida then, my parents are going to watch the kids while DH and I go out for dinner at a french bistro at Epcot. Looking forward to it!

  2. Bethany

    I’m such a lurker lately… fell off the commenting wagon. 🙂
    The weather here in ATL is coooold (to us!).
    This month I am finishing up honey-do household projects I started…umm.. awhile ago.
    Valentine’s? heh. Leaving out hints, so far!

  3. 3jaysmom

    I’m in Annapolis, MD, so my weather is pretty much what your Aunt says 🙂 I did just get back from a week in the Philly area, though, and it was icy and cold

    I’ll spend most of this month recovering from shoulder surgery and learning how to do things 1-armed for a little while! *very* exciting!

    Valentines Day? What is that? hehehe My Valentine this year is a mixed breed mutt that I adore. We will watch NCIS together 🙂

    What will YOU be doing for Valentines day?? 😀

  4. Heather

    1. How is my weather? It is north Georgia, so not bad. Problem is I’m from IL and my body still expects snowmaggedon and -20. So I’m homesick.

    2. What am I doing this month? So far I’ve seen the Feed & Seed Marching Abominable at a juggling convention and after that everything else is a let down. Although technically, Feb is weeks 5-9 of The Semester That Is Trying To Kill Me.

    3. Valentine’s Day? Well, hubby is buying me a ceiling fan and my 2.5 yo son and I are taking the weekend away while my husband trains for a marthon, gets a tattoo and fights with The Semester That Is Trying To Kill Me.

  5. Bridge

    The Weather here is not snowy enough!

    This month I am feeling the love.

    Valentine’s Day…skiing and drinking some good wine.

  6. ~Shari

    1) The weather here in Indiana is just down right cold! Freaking cold! I am secretly sad that we (Ohio River Valley) has misses some of the mass amounts of snow that has moved threw. I figure if it has to be cold then – bring on the snow~

    2)This month I plan to start AND finish a photog class that I paid for and received back in November! OOops. I have until March to finish it

    3) We just don’t do all that much for Valentines day (or any holiday for that matter). I do *wish* that he would produce a Nikon 85mm f1.8 lens tho! Yeah, realistically – we will go to the local pub and have a few beers.

  7. GwenMD

    1) Weather is gray and I really need to see something GREEN.
    2) This month I’m finishing up the plans for a dance I’m chairing at my daughter’s school. (Yes, I’m THE Claire Dunphy from Modern Family)
    3) Staying in on Valentine’s Day, but a romantic weekend is in the planning stages for when the weather gets a little nicer…

  8. shoutingforha

    1. The weather here in Tennessee is cold and unusually snowy. Being a Colorado girl by birth, I am in heaven.

    2. This month I am trying to get back into some sort-of routine. Between Christmas break and countless snow days, my schedule has been all out of whack.

    3. I will be organizing the activities for my son’s Valentine’s Day party at school. Joy. If I survive, I will probably enjoy a nice dinner date with my hubby.

  9. km

    Over 5 ft of snow in January and only 6 inches so far in February. We are still looking at the snow piles but at least they’re not growing:)
    swim meets
    vday- refinancing the house. Dead romantic isn’t it?

  10. J at

    Our weather has been abnormally gorgeous. This last weekend it was 80 degrees. Now it’s gotten colder, down to 60.

    This month? Hmmm. Girl scout cookies are sure to play a part, as is watching my daughter cheer for the high school basketball team.

    Valentine’s day? I’m thinking cracked crab for dinner, and maybe something chocolaty for dessert. Since it’s a work/school day, that’s probably the extent of it. 🙂

  11. Angela

    We are completely sick of snow and can’t believe VD is right around the corner! I think the school teachers are in shock too as we haven’t even received the obligatory student name list yet ;).

  12. Coralie

    how is the weather? beautiful! springlike! love it 🙂 I’m in Vancouver, BC

    2. Planning for two upcoming trips, focusing on my health.

    3. I have an appointment to get my teeth cleaned on Vday. Hubby and I will stay home as usual, no biggie!

  13. chloebear

    Driving in -2 has been a treat;)
    This weather totally justifies my Starbucks habit (tall soy misto with extra foam).
    I don’t believe in Valentine’s Day, though now with a child, I will make an effort for him and maybe I will wear red that day to be festive!

  14. nsanderson

    1. I have an enormous case of cabin fever and the below 0 temps are nerve racking.

    2. Been busy but not really accomplishing anything,because it’s been sick kids, missed work, and fender benders. so that’s always fun!

    3. Valentine’s Day will be a well needed break with my wife and getting someone to watch the kids while we stay home and enjoy a little peace and quite and red wine.

    Frustrated by the year so far but grateful nothing serious has happened. Need to take a lot more photos!

  15. chloebear

    This cold weather makes it perfect for watching the Oscar Nominations..popcorn+soda+m&m’s

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