Big Head Todd & The Monsters at Red Rocks
I have lived in Denver for over 27 years and Big Head Todd started his music career quite a bit before that. However, for a million different reasons, last week was the first time I had ever photographed Big Head Todd & The Monsters live. Insert your gasp here. I know! It just never worked out, time and time again, and after finally being able to capture the local legend, I really regret those missed opportunities.
Another local hero, Hazel Miller, opened the show with her signature sass and silky voice. Hazel apparently had never played Red Rocks before (another gasp) and it was clear she was loving every minute of it. She couldn’t stop herself from saying hello to long-time fans mid-song and pretty much grinning ear-to-ear her whole set.
Hazel also came out to sing with Big Head Todd & The Monsters, who repeatedly stated they were so happy getting back in front of music fans. I photographed the second of back-to-back sold-out shows at Red Rocks, but there was no less enthusiasm on a Sunday night. A true love fest.
In fact, Todd, Hazel, and fellow singer Coco Brown just released the song to “All The Love You Need” to prove it.
At their Red Rocks concert right before that iconic venue’s 80th anniversary, BHTM treated us to some ripping guitar, pyrotechnics, lots of plaintive singing and great songs. Attending shows like this one really makes you feel like we are getting some normalcy back.
And trust me, it won’t be another 27 years before I photograph Big Head Todd again.
Photos displayed in random order. Click any thumbnail for a larger version. Then use the navigation arrows (or your keyboard arrow keys) to move left and right through the photographs.
Big Head Todd & The Monsters – Red Rocks Photos
Hazel Miller – Red Rocks Photos
See all of my posts from Red Rocks Amphitheatre!